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时间: 2024-09-20 16:56:40


1. 他是个小民,对政治并不感兴趣。

He is just a commoner and not interested in politics.

2. 这位小民在社区里很受尊敬。

The commoner is highly respected in the community.

3. 小民们对这些政策感到不满。

The commoners are not satisfied with these policies.

4. 这个国家需要关心小民的领导。

The country needs a leader who cares about the common people.

5. 小民们希望能够有更多的发言权。

The commoners hope to have more say in the matter.

6. 小民的利益应该得到保护。

The interests of the common people should be protected.

7. 小民们对社会不公感到愤慨。

The commoners are outraged by the social injustice.

8. 这个政策对小民造成了不利影响。

This policy has had a negative impact on the common people.

9. 小民们需要更多的支持和帮助。

The commoners need more support and assistance.

10. 小民们渴望改善生活条件。

The commoners are eager to improve their living conditions.

11. 小民的声音应该被听到。

The voices of the common people should be heard.

12. 小民们为自己的权利而奋斗。

The commoners are fighting for their rights.

13. 政府应该更加关注小民的需求。

The government should pay more attention to the needs of the common people.

14. 小民们的生活水平逐渐提高了。

The living standards of the commoners have gradually improved.

15. 小民们在社会中扮演着重要的角色。

The commoners play an important role in society.

16. 小民们对未来充满信心。

The commoners are confident about the future.

17. 小民们的贡献不容忽视。

The contributions of the commoners cannot be ignored.

18. 小民们的声音终于被听到了。

The voices of the common people have finally been heard.

19. 小民们需要更多的机会和资源。

The commoners need more opportunities and resources.

20. 小民们对政府的决定感到失望。

The commoners are disappointed with the government's decisions.

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