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时间: 2024-09-20 10:11:49


1. 他们仓惶逃离战场。

They fled the battlefield in great haste.

2. 她仓惶地收拾行李,准备离开这个城市。

She hurriedly packed her bags, ready to leave the city.

3. 在地震发生时,人们仓惶地逃离大楼。

During the earthquake, people fled the buildings in a panic.

4. 他们仓惶地赶到医院,却发现已经太迟了。

They rushed to the hospital in a frenzy, only to find it was too late.

5. 在疫情爆发时,人们仓惶地购买口罩和消毒液。

During the outbreak, people rushed to buy masks and disinfectants in a panic.

6. 飓风来袭,人们仓惶地关闭窗户和门,寻找避难所。

As the hurricane approached, people hurriedly closed their windows and doors, seeking shelter.

7. 在战争期间,人们仓惶地逃离城市,寻找安全的地方。

During the war, people fled the city in a panic, searching for a safe place.

8. 在火灾发生时,人们仓惶地逃离建筑物。

During the fire, people fled the buildings in great haste.

9. 在恐怖袭击发生时,人们仓惶地尝试躲避攻击。

During the terrorist attack, people tried to evade the attack in a frenzy.

10. 在飞机失事时,乘客们仓惶地尝试找到逃生出口。

During the plane crash, passengers tried to find the emergency exit in a panic.

11. 在洪水来袭时,人们仓惶地搬运贵重物品,寻找高地。

During the flood, people hurriedly moved valuable items, seeking higher ground.

12. 在瘟疫肆虐时,人们仓惶地寻找药品和食物。

During the epidemic, people frantically searched for medicine and food.

13. 在地铁发生爆炸时,乘客们仓惶地尝试逃离车厢。

During the subway explosion, passengers tried to escape the carriage in a frenzy.

14. 在地震后,人们仓惶地在废墟中寻找幸存者。

After the earthquake, people frantically searched for survivors in the rubble.

15. 在恶劣天气中,人们仓惶地寻找庇护所。

In the severe weather, people hurriedly sought shelter.

16. 在疏散时,人们仓惶地离开家园,寻找安全的地方。

During the evacuation, people hurriedly left their homes, searching for a safe place.

17. 在交通事故中,人们仓惶地拨打急救电话。

During the traffic accident, people frantically called for emergency services.

18. 在山火蔓延时,人们仓惶地逃离火场。

During the forest fire, people hurriedly fled the area.

19. 在暴乱期间,人们仓惶地躲避暴力冲突。

During the riot, people tried to avoid the violent conflict in a frenzy.

20. 在海啸来袭时,人们仓惶地逃往高地。

During the tsunami, people hurriedly fled to higher ground.

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