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时间: 2024-09-20 08:08:03


1. 这本小说已经完结了,你可以一口气读完它了。 This novel has already finished, so you can read it in one go.

2. 我们的项目已经完结了,我们取得了很好的成果。 Our project has been completed and we achieved great results.

3. 这个系列电影已经完结了,我很难过。 This movie series has finished and I'm sad about it.

4. 他的演唱会已经完结了,观众们都非常满意。 His concert has ended and the audience was very satisfied.

5. 这个游戏已经完结了,我已经通关了。 This game has finished and I have already cleared it.

6. 我们的合作已经完结了,谢谢你的帮助。 Our collaboration has come to an end. Thank you for your help.

7. 这个节目已经完结了,你可以在网上观看它。 This show has ended, and you can watch it online.

8. 这个故事已经完结了,但是我还是会想起它。 This story has finished, but I will still remember it.

9. 我的学位课程已经完结了,我感到非常骄傲。 My degree program has been completed, and I feel very proud.

10. 这个季节的比赛已经完结了,我们赢得了冠军。 This season's competition has ended and we won the championship.

11. 这个电视剧已经完结了,我已经看了三遍。 This TV series has finished, and I have watched it three times.

12. 我的小说已经完结了,我觉得它很成功。 My novel has been completed, and I think it was successful.

13. 这个项目已经完结了,我们需要开始新的工作。 This project has been completed, and we need to start new work.

14. 这个故事已经完结了,但是它留下了深刻的印象。 This story has finished, but it left a deep impression.

15. 我的旅行已经完结了,我回到了家。 My trip has ended, and I returned home.

16. 这个活动已经完结了,我们得到了很多的奖励。 This event has ended, and we received many rewards.

17. 这个系列的漫画已经完结了,我会想念它。 This comic series has finished, and I will miss it.

18. 这个人生阶段已经完结了,我走向了新的开始。 This stage of life has ended, and I am moving towards a new beginning.

19. 这个电影已经完结了,但是我还是会再看一次。 This movie has finished, but I will still watch it again.

20. 这个任务已经完结了,我们可以休息一下了。 This task has been completed, and we can take a break now.

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