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时间: 2024-09-20 10:06:35


1. 那个牧人在山上放着他的羊。

The shepherd was watching his sheep on the mountain.

2. 牧人在黄昏时分把羊赶回了家。

The shepherd drove the sheep back home at dusk.

3. 他是一名牧人,每天都要照顾他的羊。

He is a shepherd who takes care of his sheep every day.

4. 牧人的生活虽然艰苦,但也充满了乐趣。

Although the life of a shepherd is hard, it is also full of joy.

5. 牧人们在山上唱歌跳舞,度过了一个愉快的晚上。

The shepherds sang and danced on the mountain and had a happy evening.

6. 这个小村庄的牧人们都非常勤劳,他们一年四季都在山上放羊。

The shepherds in this small village are very hardworking, and they watch their sheep on the mountain all year round.

7. 牧人们在草原上搭起了帐篷,过着简单而自由的生活。

The shepherds set up tents on the grassland and live a simple and free life.

8. 牧人们用铜制的号角来召唤羊群。

The shepherds use copper horns to call their sheep.

9. 牧人们用自己的歌声来安抚羊群。

The shepherds use their own singing to soothe their sheep.

10. 牧人们在山上点起篝火,温暖了整个夜晚。

The shepherds lit a bonfire on the mountain and warmed up the whole night.

11. 牧人把他的羊群带到了河边,让它们喝水。

The shepherd brought his flock to the river to drink water.

12. 牧人在山上发现了一只迷路的小羊,他把它带回了羊群中。

The shepherd found a lost lamb on the mountain and brought it back to the flock.

13. 牧人们在山上建起了一个小屋,用来避雨和休息。

The shepherds built a small hut on the mountain for shelter and rest.

14. 牧人们每天都要检查羊群的健康状况。

The shepherds check the health of their sheep every day.

15. 牧人们在农忙时期也要照顾好他们的羊。

The shepherds take care of their sheep even during busy farming seasons.

16. 牧人们在山上种植草籽,用来喂养他们的羊。

The shepherds plant grass seeds on the mountain to feed their sheep.

17. 牧人们在山上发现了一只受伤的羊,他们给它包扎伤口并照顾它直到它康复。

The shepherds found an injured sheep on the mountain, and they bandaged its wounds and took care of it until it recovered.

18. 牧人们在山上建起了一座小教堂,用来祈祷和感恩。

The shepherds built a small church on the mountain for prayer and gratitude.

19. 牧人们在山上放羊时,经常会遇到野生动物,他们需要保护自己的羊群。

The shepherds often encounter wild animals while watching their sheep on the mountain, and they need to protect their flock.

20. 牧人们的工作虽然简单,但也非常重要,因为他们为人类提供了美味的羊肉和细腻的羊毛。

Although the work of shepherds is simple, it is also very important because they provide delicious lamb and delicate wool for humans.

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