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时间: 2024-09-20 08:02:28


1. 我们一起去扒拉一下吧。Let's go dig around together.

2. 他喜欢扒拉别人的隐私。He enjoys prying into other people's privacy.

3. 他们在花园里扒拉了一下午。They spent the whole afternoon digging around in the garden.

4. 我们需要扒拉出更多的证据。We need to dig up more evidence.

5. 他们扒拉了整个档案,但什么都没找到。They went through the whole file, but didn't find anything.

6. 我们扒拉出了一些有趣的事实。We uncovered some interesting facts.

7. 他们扒拉了一下我的背包,但没找到什么值钱的东西。They rummaged through my backpack, but didn't find anything valuable.

8. 我们需要扒拉出更多的细节。We need to pry out more details.

9. 他们扒拉了一下我的日记,我感到很不舒服。They pried into my diary and I felt uncomfortable.

10. 我们扒拉出了一些令人震惊的事实。We dug up some shocking facts.

11. 他们扒拉了我的电脑,但没找到什么有用的东西。They searched my computer, but didn't find anything useful.

12. 我们需要扒拉出更多的真相。We need to uncover more truth.

13. 他们扒拉了一下我的口袋,但没找到什么钱。They rummaged through my pockets, but didn't find any money.

14. 我们扒拉出了一些令人惊讶的事实。We uncovered some surprising facts.

15. 他们扒拉了我的手机,但没找到什么重要的信息。They went through my phone, but didn't find any important information.

16. 我们需要扒拉出更多的线索。We need to dig up more clues.

17. 他们扒拉了我的书包,但没找到什么有趣的东西。They searched my backpack, but didn't find anything interesting.

18. 我们扒拉出了一些重要的证据。We uncovered some important evidence.

19. 他们扒拉了我的信封,但没找到什么信。They opened my envelope, but didn't find any letters.

20. 我们需要扒拉出更多的事实。We need to pry out more facts.

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