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时间: 2024-09-20 09:58:18


1. 他冒充警察去抢银行。

He pretended to be a police officer to rob the bank.

2. 她冒充我在社交媒体上发布了不实言论。

She impersonated me and posted false statements on social media.

3. 这个骗子冒充医生,骗了很多人的钱。

The fraudster posed as a doctor and cheated many people out of their money.

4. 他冒充公司高管,搞了很多内部交易。

He pretended to be a company executive and engaged in many insider trades.

5. 这位演员冒充记者试图进入私人场所。

The actor posed as a journalist and tried to enter a private place.

6. 她冒充学生,以便能够免费搭乘公交车。

She pretended to be a student so she could ride the bus for free.

7. 这个人冒充警察,试图让人们交纳罚款。

This person posed as a police officer and tried to get people to pay fines.

8. 他冒充客服人员,盗取了很多人的个人信息。

He impersonated customer service personnel and stole a lot of people's personal information.

9. 这个人冒充医生,给人开了很多假药。

This person posed as a doctor and prescribed a lot of fake medicine.

10. 她冒充房东,骗了很多人的租金。

She pretended to be a landlord and cheated many people out of their rent.

11. 这个人冒充警察,试图逃避罚款。

This person posed as a police officer and tried to avoid paying fines.

12. 他冒充警察,试图阻止人们进入某个区域。

He pretended to be a police officer and tried to prevent people from entering a certain area.

13. 这个人冒充律师,骗了很多人的钱。

This person posed as a lawyer and cheated many people out of their money.

14. 她冒充老师,试图进入学校。

She pretended to be a teacher and tried to enter the school.

15. 这个人冒充警察,试图搜查他人的财物。

This person posed as a police officer and tried to search other people's belongings.

16. 他冒充公司老板,骗了很多员工的工资。

He pretended to be the company boss and cheated many employees out of their wages.

17. 这个人冒充医生,试图进行非法手术。

This person posed as a doctor and tried to perform illegal surgery.

18. 她冒充客服人员,骗了很多人的钱。

She impersonated customer service personnel and cheated many people out of their money.

19. 这个人冒充警察,试图强制搜查他人的车辆。

This person posed as a police officer and tried to forcibly search other people's vehicles.

20. 他冒充商家,骗了很多人的信任。

He pretended to be a merchant and cheated many people's trust.

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