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时间: 2024-09-20 08:18:22


1. 我们一起同坐在长椅上,享受着美丽的日落。

We sat together on the bench, enjoying the beautiful sunset.

2. 在火车上,我和她同坐了整整十个小时。

I sat next to her on the train for a full ten hours.

3. 我们同坐在教室里,一起学习数学。

We sat together in the classroom, studying math together.

4. 他们同坐在沙滩上,看着海浪拍打着岸边。

They sat together on the beach, watching the waves crash against the shore.

5. 我和我的朋友们同坐在餐桌旁,享用美味的晚餐。

My friends and I sat together at the dinner table, enjoying a delicious meal.

6. 在飞机上,我和陌生人同坐了一整个航班。

I sat next to a stranger for the entire flight on the plane.

7. 我们同坐在露台上,喝着咖啡,聊着天。

We sat together on the terrace, drinking coffee and chatting.

8. 在演唱会上,我们同坐在前排,观赏着精彩的表演。

We sat together in the front row at the concert, enjoying the spectacular performance.

9. 她和她的儿子同坐在河边,看着流水悠悠。

She and her son sat by the river, watching the water flow.

10. 我们同坐在火炉旁,温暖地聊着天。

We sat together by the fireplace, chatting warmly.

11. 在游轮上,我们同坐在甲板上,欣赏着大海的壮丽景色。

We sat together on the deck of the cruise ship, admiring the magnificent view of the sea.

12. 他们同坐在咖啡厅里,享受着悠闲的下午时光。

They sat together in the cafe, enjoying a leisurely afternoon.

13. 我和我的姐妹同坐在草地上,聊着小时候的回忆。

My sister and I sat together on the grass, chatting about our childhood memories.

14. 在教堂里,我们同坐在长椅上,安静地祈祷。

We sat together on the pews in the church, quietly praying.

15. 她和她的宠物狗同坐在沙发上,看着电视。

She and her pet dog sat together on the couch, watching TV.

16. 我们同坐在车上,一起欣赏着风景。

We sat together in the car, enjoying the scenery.

17. 在音乐会上,我们同坐在观众席上,陶醉在美妙的音乐中。

We sat together in the audience at the concert, lost in the wonderful music.

18. 他们同坐在咖啡店的露台上,享受着阳光和咖啡。

They sat together on the terrace of the coffee shop, enjoying the sunshine and coffee.

19. 我和他们同坐在餐桌旁,共进晚餐。

I sat with them at the dinner table, having dinner together.

20. 她和她的男朋友同坐在海滩上,看着夕阳西下。

She sat with her boyfriend on the beach, watching the sunset.

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