时间: 2024-11-10 13:10:31
1. 她把作的手艺传授给了我。
She passed on her cooking skills to me.
2. 他把作的技巧发挥得淋漓尽致。
He displayed his cooking skills to the fullest.
3. 妈妈总是把作得很美味。
Mom always cooks delicious meals.
4. 她把作的过程看得很简单。
She sees the process of cooking as simple.
5. 他把作当成了一种艺术。
He sees cooking as an art.
6. 她把作的食材都准备好了。
She has all the ingredients ready for cooking.
7. 他把作的菜品丰富多样。
He offers a wide variety of dishes in his cooking.
8. 妈妈把作的饭菜都很讲究。
Mom pays great attention to the cooking of the meals.
9. 她把作当成了一种乐趣。
She sees cooking as a pleasure.
10. 她把作的味道很有特色。
Her cooking has a unique flavor.
11. 他把作的饭菜色香味俱全。
He cooks meals that are visually appealing and delicious.
12. 她把作的技巧独具匠心。
She has a unique cooking technique.
13. 他把作的餐点别具一格。
He has a distinctive style in his cooking.
14. 她把作的手法娴熟。
She is skilled in the art of cooking.
15. 他把作的菜肴做得很精致。
He cooks dishes with great finesse.
16. 她把作的食物看上去很美味。
The food she cooks looks delicious.
17. 他把作的菜单设计得非常有创意。
He designs his menu with great creativity.
18. 她把作的饭菜色香味俱全。
She cooks meals that are visually appealing and delicious.
19. 他把作的手法独具匠心。
He has a unique cooking technique.
20. 她把作的食材都很新鲜。
She uses very fresh ingredients in her cooking.