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时间: 2024-09-20 07:38:16


1. 桑田中的稻谷金黄灿烂。

The golden paddy fields in the mulberry field are shining brightly.

2. 桑田里的蔬菜长势喜人。

The vegetables in the mulberry field are growing well.

3. 他们在桑田里种植水稻。

They plant rice in the mulberry field.

4. 桑田中有一片美丽的花海。

There is a beautiful sea of flowers in the mulberry field.

5. 桑田里的土地肥沃。

The land in the mulberry field is fertile.

6. 桑田周围是郁郁葱葱的树林。

The mulberry field is surrounded by lush forests.

7. 桑田是农业生产的重要基地。

The mulberry field is an important base for agricultural production.

8. 他们在桑田里放养了一群鸭子。

They have raised a flock of ducks in the mulberry field.

9. 桑田上的麦田金黄一片。

The wheat field on the mulberry field is golden.

10. 桑田里的果树结果累累。

The fruit trees in the mulberry field are heavily laden with fruit.

11. 桑田上的庄稼成熟了。

The crops on the mulberry field have ripened.

12. 桑田里的水稻已经长成一片翠绿。

The rice in the mulberry field has grown into a lush green.

13. 桑田是我们村庄的主要收入来源。

The mulberry field is the main source of income for our village.

14. 桑田里的花朵开得很美。

The flowers in the mulberry field are blooming beautifully.

15. 桑田上的蔬菜已经成熟可以收割了。

The vegetables on the mulberry field are ready for harvest.

16. 桑田里有一片美丽的湖泊。

There is a beautiful lake in the mulberry field.

17. 桑田上的果树已经开始结果实了。

The fruit trees on the mulberry field have started to bear fruit.

18. 桑田里的土地经过改良,农作物产量有了显著提高。

The land in the mulberry field has been improved, and the crop yield has significantly increased.

19. 桑田上的麦子已经收割完毕。

The wheat on the mulberry field has been harvested.

20. 桑田里的农民们忙着耕种作物。

The farmers in the mulberry field are busy planting crops.

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