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时间: 2024-09-20 10:07:37


1. 他用调皮的眼神和言语挑逗着她。

He teased her with a mischievous look and words.

2. 她轻轻地挑逗着他的手臂,让他心痒难耐。

She lightly teased his arm, making him itch with excitement.

3. 他总是喜欢挑逗别人,让他们感到不安。

He always enjoys teasing others and making them feel uneasy.

4. 她用轻快的语调挑逗着他,让他感到愉快。

She teased him with a cheerful tone, making him feel delighted.

5. 他喜欢用幽默的方式来挑逗她,让她笑个不停。

He enjoys teasing her with humor, making her laugh non-stop.

6. 她的挑逗让他感到心跳加速。

Her teasing made his heart race.

7. 他用调情的眼神挑逗着她,让她感到害羞。

He teased her with a flirtatious look, making her feel shy.

8. 她喜欢用嬉皮笑脸的方式挑逗他,让他感到放松。

She likes to tease him with a playful manner, making him feel relaxed.

9. 他用讽刺的话语挑逗着她,让她感到不悦。

He teased her with sarcastic words, making her feel displeased.

10. 她喜欢用调皮的方式挑逗他,让他感到愉快。

She likes to tease him in a mischievous way, making him feel happy.

11. 他的挑逗引起了她的不快。

His teasing provoked her displeasure.

12. 他总是用幽默的话语来挑逗她,让她感到欢乐。

He always teases her with humorous words, making her feel joyful.

13. 她的挑逗让他感到心烦意乱。

Her teasing made him feel agitated.

14. 他用调情的动作挑逗着她,让她感到心动。

He teased her with flirtatious gestures, making her heart flutter.

15. 她喜欢用嬉皮笑脸的方式挑逗他,让他感到放松。

She likes to tease him with a playful manner, making him feel relaxed.

16. 他用讽刺的话语挑逗着她,让她感到不悦。

He teased her with sarcastic words, making her feel displeased.

17. 她喜欢用调皮的方式挑逗他,让他感到愉快。

She likes to tease him in a mischievous way, making him feel happy.

18. 他的挑逗引起了她的不快。

His teasing provoked her displeasure.

19. 他总是用幽默的话语来挑逗她,让她感到欢乐。

He always teases her with humorous words, making her feel joyful.

20. 她的挑逗让他感到心烦意乱。

Her teasing made him feel agitated.

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