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时间: 2024-11-09 09:51:45


1. 他们夫妻俩一直在努力造人,但是一直没有成功。

They have been trying to conceive a child, but without success.

2. 造人是夫妻俩共同的责任。

Conceiving a child is a shared responsibility between husband and wife.

3. 这对夫妻经历了多年的治疗,终于成功地造人了。

After years of treatment, this couple finally succeeded in conceiving a child.

4. 他们利用了试管受孕技术来造人。

They used in vitro fertilization to conceive a child.

5. 遗传疾病可能会影响他们造人的计划。

Genetic disorders may affect their plans to conceive a child.

6. 他们决定领养一个孩子,而不是自己造人。

They decided to adopt a child instead of conceiving one themselves.

7. 我们希望通过试管受孕来造人。

We hope to conceive a child through in vitro fertilization.

8. 造人需要很多心理和生理准备。

Conceiving a child requires a lot of psychological and physiological preparation.

9. 他们已经成功地造人了,现在正在等待宝宝的出生。

They have successfully conceived a child and are now awaiting the baby's birth.

10. 他们的医生建议他们在造人前进行全面的身体检查。

Their doctor advised them to undergo a comprehensive physical examination before conceiving a child.

11. 造人不仅仅是生理上的问题,还涉及到情感和心理的准备。

Conceiving a child is not just a physical issue, but also involves emotional and psychological preparation.

12. 她的身体状况影响了她的造人能力。

Her physical condition affected her ability to conceive a child.

13. 他们在造人的过程中遇到了许多困难。

They encountered many difficulties during the process of conceiving a child.

14. 造人需要时间和耐心。

Conceiving a child requires time and patience.

15. 他们正在寻求医生的帮助来造人。

They are seeking medical help to conceive a child.

16. 造人并不总是容易的。

Conceiving a child is not always easy.

17. 她的年龄影响了她的造人能力。

Her age affected her ability to conceive a child.

18. 他们正在进行生育治疗,希望能够成功地造人。

They are undergoing fertility treatments in the hope of successfully conceiving a child.

19. 造人是一个充满希望和挑战的过程。

Conceiving a child is a process filled with hope and challenges.

20. 他们决定采用荷兰的生育辅助技术来造人。

They decided to adopt the assisted reproductive technology from the Netherlands to conceive a child.

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