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时间: 2024-09-20 10:05:00


1. 我喜欢读长句子,因为它们让我感到挑战。

I enjoy reading long sentences because they challenge me.

2. 她的句子结构非常清晰,让人容易理解。

Her sentence structure is very clear and easy to understand.

3. 这个句子太长了,我都读不完。

This sentence is too long, I can't finish reading it.

4. 请你把这个句子翻译成英文。

Can you translate this sentence into English?

5. 这个句子好像有点不通顺。

This sentence doesn't seem to make sense.

6. 我们要写一个关于动物的句子。

We need to write a sentence about animals.

7. 他的句子构造非常精致,读起来很有韵味。

His sentence structure is very sophisticated and has a poetic rhythm to it.

8. 这个句子的意思我理解了,但是不知道该怎么表达。

I understand the meaning of this sentence, but I don't know how to express it.

9. 这个句子太简单了,加点修饰词吧。

This sentence is too simple, add some adjectives to it.

10. 他总是在句子里加入一些幽默元素。

He always adds some humor to his sentences.

11. 请你用这些词汇组成一个句子。

Can you form a sentence with these vocabulary words?

12. 她的句子结构非常松散,需要加强连贯性。

Her sentence structure is very loose and needs to be more coherent.

13. 这个句子太啰嗦了,简洁一点。

This sentence is too verbose, make it more concise.

14. 我们需要写一个包含主语和谓语的句子。

We need to write a sentence with a subject and a predicate.

15. 请你把这个长句子分成几个小句。

Can you break this long sentence into smaller ones?

16. 这个句子的语法有错误,需要修改。

There are grammatical errors in this sentence, it needs to be corrected.

17. 他的句子非常生动,让人仿佛置身其中。

His sentences are very vivid, making people feel as if they are there.

18. 这个句子的逻辑不够清晰,需要重新组织。

The logic of this sentence is not clear enough, it needs to be reorganized.

19. 请你写一个包含比喻的句子。

Can you write a sentence with a metaphor?

20. 这个句子的词汇选择非常精准,让人印象深刻。

The vocabulary selection in this sentence is very precise and leaves a strong impression.


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