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时间: 2024-09-20 07:23:17


1. 爹娘真是辛苦了,一直在为我们操劳。

Dad and mom have worked so hard, always toiling for us.

2. 爹娘的年纪越来越大了,我们要多关心他们。

Dad and mom are getting older, we should take care of them more.

3. 爹娘的爱是无私的,永远都是为了我们好。

The love of dad and mom is selfless, always for our own good.

4. 我对爹娘的敬爱之情永远不会减少。

My respect and love for dad and mom will never diminish.

5. 爹娘在我心中永远是最伟大的人。

Dad and mom will always be the greatest in my heart.

6. 爹娘为了我们的幸福,付出了太多太多。

Dad and mom have sacrificed so much for our happiness.

7. 爹娘对我们的爱是无私的,我永远感激他们。

Dad and mom's love for us is selfless, and I will always be grateful to them.

8. 爹娘是我生命中最重要的人,我会永远珍惜他们。

Dad and mom are the most important people in my life, and I will always cherish them.

9. 爹娘的辛勤劳作是我们幸福生活的基石。

Dad and mom's hard work is the foundation of our happy life.

10. 爹娘的教诲让我受益终生。

Dad and mom's teachings have benefited me for a lifetime.

11. 爹娘的慈爱让我感到无比幸福。

Dad and mom's love makes me feel incredibly happy.

12. 爹娘在我困难的时候总是在我身边支持我。

Dad and mom are always there to support me in difficult times.

13. 我要好好孝顺爹娘,让他们过上幸福的晚年生活。

I want to take good care of dad and mom, and let them live a happy old age.

14. 爹娘的关爱是我生命中最宝贵的财富。

Dad and mom's love is the most precious treasure in my life.

15. 爹娘的辛苦劳作是我成长的力量源泉。

Dad and mom's hard work is the source of strength for my growth.

16. 爹娘的爱是我永远的依靠。

Dad and mom's love is my eternal support.

17. 我永远感激爹娘对我的无私奉献。

I will always be grateful for dad and mom's selfless dedication to me.

18. 爹娘的教诲是我人生的指南针。

Dad and mom's teachings are the compass of my life.

19. 爹娘的爱让我感到无比幸福和安心。

Dad and mom's love makes me feel incredibly happy and secure.

20. 爹娘的关爱是我一生的幸福源泉。

Dad and mom's love is the source of happiness in my life.

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