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时间: 2024-09-20 10:14:18


1. 春风吹拂下,红柳婀娜多姿。

The spring breeze blows, and the red willow is graceful and charming.

2. 湖边的红柳在微风中摇曳着。

The red willow by the lake sways in the breeze.

3. 河畔的红柳已经吐露出娇嫩的新芽。

The red willow by the river has already revealed tender new shoots.

4. 每当春风拂面,红柳便展露出妩媚的姿态。

Whenever the spring breeze blows, the red willow reveals a charming posture.

5. 红柳树下,一对恋人在悠闲地散步。

Under the red willow tree, a couple leisurely strolls.

6. 红柳的嫩枝在阳光下闪闪发光。

The tender branches of the red willow glisten in the sunlight.

7. 黄昏时分,红柳在夕阳的映照下显得格外美丽。

At dusk, the red willow looks particularly beautiful in the reflection of the setting sun.

8. 红柳垂丝轻轻拂过湖面,泛起一湾涟漪。

The red willow's hanging branches gently brush the surface of the lake, causing ripples.

9. 河畔的红柳在微风中摇曳生姿。

The red willow by the river sways gracefully in the gentle breeze.

10. 红柳的嫩芽已经吐露出来,迎接着春天的到来。

The tender shoots of the red willow have already emerged, welcoming the arrival of spring.

11. The red willow by the lake adds a touch of color to the tranquil scenery.


12. The red willow's branches gently sway in the breeze, creating a soothing atmosphere.


13. The red willow is a symbol of resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

红柳是面对1. 春天,红柳吐翠,显得格外美丽。

In spring, the red willow is particularly beautiful with its green leaves.

2. 河边的红柳在微风中摇曳着,宛如一幅动人的画。

The red willow by the river swayed in the breeze, like a beautiful painting.

3. 他喜欢在红柳下垂钓,享受宁静的时光。

He enjoys fishing under the red willow, enjoying the peaceful time.

4. 红柳的垂枝在阳光下闪着银光,煞是好看。

The drooping branches of the red willow shimmered in the sunlight, very beautiful.

5. 每当傍晚,红柳下总会有一些老人在树荫下休息。

In the evening, there are always some old people resting under the red willow.

6. 红柳的树叶在秋风中飘落,落英缤纷。

The leaves of the red willow fell in the autumn wind, creating a beautiful scene.

7. 红柳枝条垂下来,轻轻拂过水面。

The branches of the red willow hung down and gently brushed the water.

8. 河边的红柳在夕阳的映衬下显得格外妖娆。

The red willow by the river looked particularly enchanting in the setting sun.

9. 红柳是我家乡一道美丽的风景线。

The red willow is a beautiful landscape in my hometown.

10. 红柳的树干上布满了苔藓,显得古老而有韵味。

The trunk of the red willow is covered with moss, giving it an ancient and charming look.

11. The red willow beside the lake swayed gently in the breeze, creating a peaceful atmosphere.


12. The red willow's branches dipped into the water, creating a serene and picturesque scene.


13. The red willow tree is a symbol of beauty and tranquility in Chinese culture.


14. The red willow's crimson leaves contrasted beautifully with the blue sky.


15. The red willow is a popular spot for locals to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.


16. The red willow's reflection in the water created a stunning mirror image.


17. The red willow's branches swayed gracefully in the wind, casting dappled shadows on the ground.


18. The red willow's branches rustled softly as the breeze blew through them.


19. The red willow's delicate leaves fluttered in the breeze, creating a soothing rustling sound.


20. The red willow added a touch of natural beauty to the riverside landscape.


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