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时间: 2024-09-20 11:57:15


1. 我们所处的位置离市中心很近。

We are located very close to the city center.

2. 他们所处的环境非常恶劣。

The environment they are in is very harsh.

3. 这个城市所处的地理位置使它成为了一个重要的交通枢纽。

The geographical location of this city makes it an important transportation hub.

4. 他们所处的困境让人心疼。

The predicament they are in is heartbreaking.

5. 这个项目所处的阶段需要更多的资源和支持。

The stage that the project is at requires more resources and support.

6. 我们所处的时代是科技快速发展的时代。

The era we are in is a time of rapid technological advancement.

7. 他们所处的社会环境对他们的成长有着深远的影响。

The social environment they are in has a profound impact on their growth.

8. 这个公司所处的行业竞争非常激烈。

The industry that this company is in is highly competitive.

9. 我们所处的国家是一个多元文化的社会。

The country we are in is a multicultural society.

10. 他们所处的地区经常受到自然灾害的影响。

The region they are in is often affected by natural disasters.

11. 这个组织所处的位置为它提供了便利的交通和通讯条件。

The location that this organization is in provides convenient transportation and communication facilities.

12. 我们所处的位置使得我们很容易前往附近的商业中心。

Our location makes it easy for us to access nearby commercial centers.

13. 这个小镇所处的地理位置使得它成为了一个热门的旅游目的地。

The geographical location of this town makes it a popular tourist destination.

14. 他们所处的处境让他们感到绝望。

The situation they are in makes them feel hopeless.

15. 我们所处的时代充满了挑战和机遇。

The era we are in is full of challenges and opportunities.

16. 这个公司所处的市场环境非常不稳定。

The market environment that this company is in is very unstable.

17. 我们所处的社会价值观正在发生着巨大的变化。

The societal values we are in are undergoing significant changes.

18. 这个学校所处的位置使得学生们能够享受到美丽的自然风景。

The location that this school is in allows students to enjoy beautiful natural scenery.

19. 他们所处的行业正在经历着技术革新的浪潮。

The industry they are in is experiencing a wave of technological innovation.

20. 我们所处的城市是一个充满活力和创造力的地方。

The city we are in is a vibrant and creative place.

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