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时间: 2024-09-20 14:23:12


1. 出于对家人的爱,他决定留在家乡。

Out of love for his family, he decided to stay in his hometown.

2. 我的行为出于对你的关心。

My actions are out of concern for you.

3. 她的决定是出于对自己未来的考虑。

Her decision was out of consideration for her own future.

4. 他的道歉是出于真诚的愿望。

His apology was out of a sincere desire.

5. 我的选择是出于对环境的保护。

My choice is out of concern for the environment.

6. 出于对公司的忠诚,他选择留下来。

Out of loyalty to the company, he chose to stay.

7. 她的决定是出于对自己家庭的责任感。

Her decision was out of a sense of responsibility to her family.

8. 我的行为出于对你的信任。

My actions are out of trust in you.

9. 出于对朋友的信任,他选择相信了她的话。

Out of trust in his friend, he chose to believe her words.

10. 他的行为出于对社会的责任感。

His actions are out of a sense of responsibility to society.

11. 出于对孩子的爱,她决定放弃工作在家照顾他们。

Out of love for her children, she decided to give up her job to take care of them at home.

12. 他的行为是出于对团队的忠诚。

His actions were out of loyalty to the team.

13. 出于对健康的考虑,他决定戒烟。

Out of consideration for his health, he decided to quit smoking.

14. 她的选择是出于对未来的期望。

Her choice was out of hope for the future.

15. 他的决定是出于对自己能力的自信。

His decision was out of confidence in his own abilities.

16. 出于对祖国的热爱,他毅然决定参军。

Out of love for his country, he resolutely decided to join the army.

17. 她的行为是出于对动物保护的热爱。

Her actions were out of love for animal protection.

18. 出于对家人的责任感,他放弃了自己的梦想。

Out of a sense of responsibility to his family, he gave up his own dreams.

19. 他的决定是出于对未来的担忧。

His decision was out of concern for the future.

20. 出于对朋友的信任,他选择相信了她的承诺。

Out of trust in his friend, he chose to believe in her promise.

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