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时间: 2024-11-10 17:21:40


1. 我们要相互相守,共度人生的风风雨雨。

We should support each other and withstand the ups and downs of life together.

2. 在困境中,我们要相守,共同面对挑战。

In times of hardship, we need to stand by each other and face the challenges together.

3. 他们夫妻俩相守了五十年,直到白头偕老。

The couple stayed together for fifty years, until they grew old together.

4. 在这场战争中,我们要相守,捍卫家园。

In this war, we must stand together and defend our homeland.

5. 他们发誓要相守一生,不离不弃。

They vowed to stand by each other for life, never to leave or forsake.

6. 在困难时期,我们必须相守,共同渡过难关。

In times of hardship, we must stand together and overcome the difficulties.

7. 我们要相守,直到最后一刻。

We will stand by each other until the very end.

8. 在这个艰难的时刻,我们必须相守,共同度过难关。

In this difficult moment, we must stand by each other and get through this together.

9. 他们相守了整整一夜,直到救援队到达。

They stood by each other all night until the rescue team arrived.

10. 在生活中,我们要相守,共同面对生活的挑战。

In life, we need to stand by each other and face the challenges together.

11. 他们相守了整整一生,直到生命的最后一刻。

They stood by each other for their entire lives, until the very end.

12. 在这场灾难中,我们要相守,共同度过难关。

In this disaster, we must stand together and get through this together.

13. 他们发誓要相守一生,不离不弃。

They vowed to stand by each other for life, never to leave or forsake.

14. 在这个困难时期,我们必须相守,共同渡过难关。

In this difficult period, we must stand together and overcome the difficulties.

15. 我们要相守,直到最后一刻。

We will stand by each other until the very end.

16. 在这个艰难的时刻,我们必须相守,共同度过难关。

In this difficult moment, we must stand by each other and get through this together.

17. 他们相守了整整一夜,直到救援队到达。

They stood by each other all night until the rescue team arrived.

18. 在生活中,我们要相守,共同面对生活的挑战。

In life, we need to stand by each other and face the challenges together.

19. 他们相守了整整一生,直到生命的最后一刻。

They stood by each other for their entire lives, until the very end.

20. 在这场灾难中,我们要相守,共同度过难关。

In this disaster, we must stand together and get through this together.

上一个 【汉语】出于的例句,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】患失的例句,中英对照



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