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时间: 2024-09-20 07:42:37


1. 老屋斑驳的墙壁仿佛在述说着岁月的沧桑。

The mottled walls of the old house seem to be telling the vicissitudes of time.

2. 老屋静静地躺在那里,岁月的痕迹在它的每一寸土地上都留下了深深的印记。

The old house lies quietly there, with the traces of time deeply imprinted on every inch of its land.

3. 老屋的窗棂斑驳的阳光透过,投下斑驳的光影。

The mottled sunlight shines through the windows of the old house, casting mottled shadows.

4. 老屋的门廊上挂着一串串老去的风铃,轻轻摇曳,像是在述说着曾经的故事。

Strings of old wind chimes hang on the porch of the old house, swaying gently, as if telling the stories of the past.

5. 老屋的院子里开满了岁月的花,虽已凋零,却依然美丽动人。

The courtyard of the old house is full of flowers of time, although they have withered, they are still beautiful and moving.

6. 老屋的檐角斑驳的瓦片上沾满了岁月的沧桑。

The mottled tiles on the eaves of the old house are stained with the vicissitudes of time.

7. 老屋的柱子斑驳的纹路仿佛在述说着它曾经的辉煌。

The mottled patterns on the pillars of the old house seem to be telling of its past glory.

8. 老屋的院子里长满了苍苔,仿佛一层绿色的地毯铺在地上。

The courtyard of the old house is covered with moss, like a green carpet spread on the ground.

9. 老屋的木门上镌刻着岁月的印记,仿佛在诉说着它的故事。

The wooden door of the old house is engraved with the marks of time, as if telling its story.

10. 老屋的廊檐下挂着一串串风干的蒜头,散发着淡淡的香气。

Strings of dried garlic hang under the eaves of the old house, emitting a faint fragrance.

11. 老屋的炊烟袅袅,弥漫着岁月的味道。

The smoke from the old house's kitchen rises and fills the air with the taste of time.

12. 老屋的窗外是一片茂密的竹林,随风摇曳,宛如一首岁月的歌谣。

Outside the windows of the old house is a dense bamboo forest, swaying in the wind, like a song of time.

13. 老屋的墙角长满了藤蔓,仿佛岁月的痕迹在这里停留。

The corners of the old house are covered with vines, as if the marks of time are lingering here.

14. 老屋的石阶上留下了岁月的脚印,每一步都是一段故事。

The stone steps of the old house bear the footprints of time, and each step is a story.

15. 老屋的屋檐下挂着一串串红红的辣椒,散发着岁月的辣味。

Strings of red peppers hang under the eaves of the old house, emitting the spicy taste of time.


上一个 【汉语】老有所养完整八个字的句子,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】祝自己生日快乐的句子,中英对照



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