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时间: 2024-10-07 00:56:19


1. I am going to the store to buy some groceries.(我要去商店买些杂货。)

2. I love to read books in my free time.(我喜欢在空闲时间读书。)

3. I will cook dinner for us tonight.(我今晚会给我们做晚餐。)

4. I need to finish my homework before I can go out.(我需要先完成我的作业才能出去。)

5. I am feeling tired after a long day at work.(我在工作了一整天后感到疲倦。)

6. I am excited for my upcoming vacation.(我对即将到来的假期感到兴奋。)

7. I want to learn how to play the guitar.(我想学弹吉他。)

8. I have a lot of work to do this week.(我这周有很多工作要做。)

9. I am the oldest sibling in my family.(我是家里最大的孩子。)

10. I enjoy spending time with my friends.(我喜欢和朋友们一起度过时间。)

11. I am going to the gym to work out.(我要去健身房锻炼。)

12. I feel happy when I am surrounded by nature.(当我置身于大自然中时,我感到快乐。)

13. I am learning how to speak French.(我正在学习如何说法语。)

14. I always try to be kind to others.(我总是尽量对别人友善。)

15. I am going to the doctor for a check-up.(我要去看医生检查一下。)

16. I enjoy cooking for my friends and family.(我喜欢为朋友和家人做饭。)

17. I am going to attend a conference for work.(我要去参加一场工作会议。)

18. I need to buy a new pair of shoes.(我需要买一双新鞋。)

19. I am going to start a new hobby this weekend.(我要在这个周末开始一个新的爱好。)

20. I love to listen to music while I work.(我喜欢一边工作一边听音乐。)

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