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时间: 2024-09-10 05:15:30


1. She placed the book on her lap and began to read. (她把书放在膝盖上开始阅读。)

2. The cat curled up on her lap and purred contentedly. (猫蜷缩在她的膝上,满足地呼噜着。)

3. The runner completed another lap around the track. (这名跑步者完成了操场上的另一圈。)

4. He gently tapped his fingers on the table in time with the music's slow, steady beat, his foot keeping time on her lap. (他轻轻地用手指敲打着桌子,与音乐的缓慢而稳定的节奏一致,脚在膝上跟着节拍。)

5. She finished a lap in the swimming pool and then took a break. (她在游泳池里游完了一圈,然后休息了一下。)

6. He ran a lap around the park to warm up before his workout. (他在公园里跑了一圈,热身准备开始锻炼。)

7. The baby fell asleep in her mother's lap. (宝宝在妈妈的膝上入睡了。)

8. The race car completed another lap, maintaining its lead. (赛车完成了另一圈,保持着领先地位。)

9. She rested her head on his lap and closed her eyes. (她把头靠在他的膝上闭上了眼睛。)

10. He set the laptop on his lap and began typing. (他把笔记本电脑放在膝盖上开始打字。)

11. 她把手放在膝盖上,深呼吸,试图平静下来。

12. 赛车手在最后一圈中超越了对手,赢得了比赛。

13. 她把小猫抱在膝盖上,温柔地抚摸着它。

14. 他在操场上跑了好几圈,汗流浃背。

15. 孩子们围着老师围成一圈,开始唱歌。

16. 她在电视上看到的那一圈景象让她感到震惊。

17. 他坐在椅子上,把膝盖挡住了桌子的边缘。

18. 她在比赛中跑了一圈后感到筋疲力尽。

19. 他把书架在膝盖上,专心致志地读着。

20. 老人坐在长凳上,把孙子搂在膝盖上,讲起了童年的故事。

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