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时间: 2024-09-10 05:48:27


1. The large elephant towered over the other animals in the zoo. (这只大象在动物园里高耸在其他动物之上。)

2. She bought a large pizza to share with her friends. (她买了一份大披萨和朋友一起分享。)

3. The company has a large number of employees working in various departments. (公司有大量员工在各个部门工作。)

4. The large waves crashed against the shore during the storm. (在风暴期间,巨浪拍打着海岸。)

5. The large mansion was surrounded by beautiful gardens. (这座大别墅周围有美丽的花园。)

6. The large shopping mall attracted visitors from all over the city. (这家大型购物中心吸引了来自全城的游客。)

7. The large truck blocked the entire road, causing a traffic jam. (这辆大卡车挡住了整条道路,造成了交通堵塞。)

8. She wore a large hat to shield herself from the sun. (她戴着一顶大帽子来遮挡阳光。)

9. The large crowd gathered to watch the parade. (大批观众聚集在一起观看游行。)

10. The large painting dominated the wall of the art gallery. (这幅大画占据了艺术馆的墙壁。)

11. 这只大象高高地耸立在动物园里,比其他动物都要大。

12. 她买了一份大披萨和朋友一起分享。

13. 公司有大量员工在各个部门工作。

14. 在风暴期间,巨浪拍打着海岸。

15. 这座大别墅周围有美丽的花园。

16. 这家大型购物中心吸引了来自全城的游客。

17. 这辆大卡车挡住了整条道路,造成了交通堵塞。

18. 她戴着一顶大帽子来遮挡阳光。

19. 大批观众聚集在一起观看游行。

20. 这幅大画占据了艺术馆的墙壁。

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