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时间: 2024-09-29 00:51:48


1. I am literally starving, I haven't eaten all day. (我真的饿死了,我整天都没吃东西。)

2. The room was so hot, I was literally sweating buckets. (房间太热了,我简直是汗流如注。)

3. I literally jumped for joy when I heard the news. (当我听到这个消息时,我简直是欣喜若狂。)

4. The movie was so scary, I literally jumped out of my seat. (这部电影太吓人了,我真的从座位上跳了起来。)

5. I'm literally drowning in work right now. (我现在真的是被工作淹没了。)

6. The cake was so delicious, I literally couldn't stop eating it. (蛋糕太好吃了,我真的停不下来。)

7. He's literally the best singer I've ever heard. (他真的是我听过的最好的歌手。)

8. The baby was literally crawling all over the house. (那个宝宝真的是在屋子里到处爬。)

9. I'm literally on cloud nine after getting the job offer. (我得到了工作邀约后真的是乐不可支。)

10. The traffic was so bad, I was literally stuck for hours. (交通堵塞得太严重了,我真的被困了好几个小时。)

11. She's literally the most organized person I know. (她真的是我认识的最有条理的人。)

12. The concert was so loud, I was literally deafened by the music. (音乐会太吵了,我真的被音乐震聋了。)

13. I'm literally about to explode with anger. (我真的快要因为愤怒而爆发了。)

14. The cake was so sweet, it literally made my teeth ache. (蛋糕太甜了,我牙齿都疼了。)

15. She's literally the funniest person I've ever met. (她真的是我见过的最有趣的人。)

16. The hike was so difficult, I was literally crawling up the mountain. (徒步旅行太艰难了,我真的是爬上山的。)

17. I'm literally freezing in this cold weather. (在这种寒冷的天气里,我真的冻得要命。)

18. The news was so shocking, I literally couldn't believe my ears. (这个消息太震惊了,我真的不敢相信自己的耳朵。)

19. He's literally the tallest person in the room. (他真的是房间里最高的人。)

20. The workload is so heavy, I'm literally drowning in paperwork. (工作量太大,我真的是被文件淹没了。)

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