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时间: 2024-09-18 12:14:57


1. He is a male nurse at the hospital. (他是医院的男护士。)

2. The male lion roared loudly to mark his territory. (雄狮发出了巨大的吼声来标记自己的领地。)

3. The male student excelled in mathematics. (这个男学生在数学方面表现出色。)

4. The male actor delivered a powerful performance in the movie. (这位男演员在电影中表现出色。)

5. The male singer's voice resonated throughout the auditorium. (男歌手的声音在礼堂中回荡。)

6. The male population in the city has been steadily increasing. (该城市的男性人口一直在稳步增长。)

7. The male protagonist in the novel faced many challenges. (小说中的男主角面临了许多挑战。)

8. The male lead in the play captivated the audience with his performance. (话剧中的男主角用他的表演吸引了观众。)

9. The male dancer displayed incredible agility and strength. (男舞者展现出了令人难以置信的敏捷和力量。)

10. The male model walked confidently down the runway. (男模特自信地走上T型台。)

11. The male colleague offered to help with the project. (男同事主动提出帮助这个项目。)

12. The male doctor diagnosed the patient's illness. (男医生诊断了病人的疾病。)

13. The male athlete broke the world record in the 100-meter dash. (男运动员在100米短跑中打破了世界纪录。)

14. The male professor gave an inspiring lecture on philosophy. (男教授就哲学问题进行了鼓舞人心的讲座。)

15. The male employee received a promotion for his outstanding performance. (男员工因出色的表现获得了晋升。)

16. The male character in the novel was portrayed as brave and noble. (小说中的男性角色被描绘为勇敢和高尚。)

17. The male politician delivered a powerful speech that resonated with the audience. (男政治家发表了一篇震撼人心的演讲,引起了观众的共鸣。)

18. The male dog barked loudly to protect its territory. (公狗大声吠叫,保护自己的领地。)

19. The male passenger offered his seat to an elderly woman on the bus. (男乘客把座位让给了公交车上的一位老太太。)

20. The male director of the company made a strategic decision to expand the business. (公司的男董事长做出了扩大业务的战略决定。)

上一个 【英语】makeup的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】male-dominated的例句



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