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时间: 2024-09-14 01:39:36


1. The tech industry is often criticized for being male-dominated, with few women in leadership positions.(科技行业经常被批评为男性主导,女性在领导岗位上很少。)

2. The film industry has traditionally been male-dominated, but there are now more opportunities for women to excel.(电影行业传统上是男性主导的,但现在女性有更多的机会脱颖而出。)

3. Despite efforts to promote diversity, the finance sector remains male-dominated at the executive level.(尽管努力促进多样性,金融行业在高管层仍然是男性主导的。)

4. The male-dominated culture in the construction industry can be a barrier for women entering the field.(建筑行业中的男性主导文化可能成为女性进入这一领域的障碍。)

5. Many sports have traditionally been male-dominated, but there is a growing push for gender equality in athletics.(许多体育运动传统上是男性主导的,但现在越来越多人在推动体育运动中的性别平等。)

6. The technology conference was criticized for its male-dominated panel of speakers.(这次科技会议因为发言人中男性占主导地位而受到批评。)

7. The male-dominated environment in the military can be challenging for women in uniform.(军队中的男性主导环境对身穿制服的女性来说可能是一种挑战。)

8. The boardroom was a typical example of a male-dominated space, with only one female executive present.(董事会是典型的男性主导空间的例子,只有一名女性高管出席。)

9. The technology startup was trying to break free from the male-dominated culture by actively recruiting female engineers.(这家科技初创公司正在积极招募女工程师,试图摆脱男性主导的文化。)

10. Despite advancements in gender equality, the legal profession is still largely male-dominated in many areas.(尽管在性别平等方面取得了进步,但在许多领域,法律行业仍然主要是男性主导的。)

11. The male-dominated nature of the automotive industry has been slow to change, but there are more women entering the field than ever before.(汽车行业的男性主导性质变化缓慢,但现在比以往任何时候都有更多的女性进入这一领域。)

12. The male-dominated culture in the corporate world can sometimes create a hostile environment for women.(企业界的男性主导文化有时会为女性创造出敌对的环境。)

13. The male-dominated workforce in the mining industry is gradually seeing more women taking on leadership roles.(采矿业中男性主导的劳动力队伍正逐渐看到更多女性承担领导角色。)

14. The fashion industry has long been criticized for its male-dominated design houses, but there is a growing movement for more female representation.(时尚界长期以来一直因为男性主导的设计公司而受到批评,但现在越来越多人呼吁更多女性参与。)

15. The male-dominated culture in the technology sector has been a barrier for many women seeking to advance their careers.(科技行业中男性主导的文化对许多寻求职业发展的女性构成了障碍。)

16. Despite the male-dominated nature of the engineering field, there are more initiatives to encourage women to pursue careers in this area.(尽管工程领域男性主导,但有更多的举措鼓励女性从事这个领域的职业。)

17. The male-dominated nature of the music industry has led to a lack of representation for female artists, but that is slowly changing.(音乐行业的男性主导性质导致女性艺术家的代表性不足,但这种情况正在慢慢改变。)

18. The male-dominated culture in the political arena can be challenging for women seeking to enter public office.(政治领域中的男性主导文化对于寻求进入公职的女性来说可能是一种挑战。)

19. The male-dominated construction site can sometimes be unwelcoming to women in the industry.(建筑工地中的男性主导文化有时对该行业的女性不太友好。)

20. Despite being male-dominated, the gaming industry is seeing more women join the ranks of game developers and designers.(尽管以男性为主导,但游戏行业正看到更多女性加入游戏开发人员和设计师的行列。)

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