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时间: 2024-09-19 11:24:52


1. Water is a type of matter that exists in three states: solid, liquid, and gas.(水是一种物质,存在着固体、液体和气体三种状态。)

2. The study of matter and its interactions is a fundamental part of chemistry.(物质及其相互作用的研究是化学的基本组成部分。)

3. It doesn't matter to me what we have for dinner tonight.(今晚吃什么对我来说无所谓。)

4. The color of the curtains doesn't matter; what's important is that they block out the light.(窗帘的颜色无关紧要,重要的是它们能遮挡光线。)

5. No matter how hard you try, you cannot change the past.(无论你多努力,也无法改变过去。)

6. The matter of the missing files has been resolved.(关于遗失文件的问题已经解决。)

7. It doesn't matter what others think; what matters is how you feel about yourself.(别人怎么想并不重要,重要的是你自己对自己的感觉。)

8. The matter at hand requires immediate attention.(手头的事情需要立即处理。)

9. The detective carefully examined the matter at the crime scene.(侦探仔细调查了犯罪现场的物证。)

10. It doesn't matter if it rains, we can still have a good time indoors.(下雨无所谓,我们还是可以在室内玩得愉快。)

11. The matter of the company's financial stability is a cause for concern.(公司财务稳定性的问题令人担忧。)

12. No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you.(无论发生什么事,我都会一直在你身边。)

13. The matter of climate change is a pressing issue for the global community.(气候变化的问题是全球社区面临的紧迫问题。)

14. It doesn't matter if we are late, as long as we arrive safely.(迟到无所谓,只要我们平安到达就好。)

15. The lawyer advised her client to not discuss the matter with anyone else.(律师建议她的客户不要与其他人讨论这个问题。)

16. No matter what you decide, I will support you.(无论你做出什么决定,我都会支持你。)

17. The matter was resolved amicably through mediation.(通过调解,这个问题得到了和解。)

18. It doesn't matter where we go on vacation, as long as we're together.(我们度假去哪里都无所谓,只要在一起就好。)

19. The matter of the new policy was discussed at length during the meeting.(新政策的问题在会议期间被广泛讨论。)

20. No matter how much you try to hide it, the truth will always come out.(无论你如何努力隐藏,真相总会大白于天下。)

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