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时间: 2024-09-20 01:14:15


1. She is a mature woman who handles her responsibilities with grace and poise.(她是一个成熟的女人,优雅地处理她的责任。)

2. It takes time and effort to mature into a confident and self-assured individual.(成为一个自信而自信的个体需要时间和努力。)

3. The company is looking for a mature candidate with extensive experience in the industry.(公司正在寻找一个在该行业有丰富经验的成熟候选人。)

4. It's important to have mature discussions about important issues in a calm and respectful manner.(以冷静和尊重的方式就重要问题进行成熟的讨论非常重要。)

5. The wine has a mature flavor, with hints of oak and berries.(这种葡萄酒有一种成熟的味道,带有橡木和浆果的味道。)

6. She showed a mature understanding of the situation, handling it with wisdom and tact.(她展现出对情况成熟的理解,并以智慧和机智处理。)

7. The athlete's mature performance on the field earned him the respect of his teammates and fans.(运动员在场上的成熟表现赢得了队友和粉丝的尊重。)

8. After many years of hard work and dedication, the business finally reached a mature stage of stability and success.(经过多年的努力和奉献,企业终于达到了稳定和成功的成熟阶段。)

9. He showed a mature sense of responsibility by taking care of his younger siblings while his parents were away.(在父母不在家的时候,他照顾着他的弟弟妹妹,表现出成熟的责任感。)

10. The company's mature approach to problem-solving has earned them a reputation for reliability and efficiency.(公司成熟的解决问题的方式使他们赢得了可靠性和高效性的声誉。)

11. 成熟的团队会更好地应对挑战并取得成功。

12. 他的成熟态度让他在职场上得到了很多人的尊重和信任。

13. 这部电影展现了作者成熟的创作风格和深刻的思想。

14. 成熟的水果更加甜美可口。

15. 她的成熟举止让人感到惊讶,仿佛她比实际年龄更成熟。

16. 这家公司需要一个成熟的领导者来带领他们度过困难时期。

17. 他的成熟行为表现出他在很小的时候就学会了如何应对挑战。

18. 她对待问题的成熟态度让她成为团队中的重要成员。

19. 成熟的想法和创新可以带来巨大的影响力和改变。

20. 这种植物需要几年的时间才能成熟并开花结果。

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