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时间: 2024-09-22 09:21:36


1. I like to take a walk at midday when the sun is at its highest point in the sky.(我喜欢在中午时分散步,当太阳处于天空中最高的位置。)

2. The temperature reaches its peak at midday in the summer.(夏天中午时分气温达到最高点。)

3. We usually have our biggest meal at midday.(我们通常在中午吃最丰盛的一餐。)

4. The midday sun beat down on the hikers as they made their way up the mountain.(中午的阳光照在徒步旅行者身上,当他们攀登山路。)

5. The midday traffic was particularly heavy due to the lunchtime rush.(由于午餐时间的交通高峰,中午的交通特别拥挤。)

6. The midday break allowed the workers to rest and recharge before continuing their tasks.(中午休息时间让工人们有机会休息和重新充电,然后继续他们的工作。)

7. The midday heat made it difficult for the farmers to work in the fields.(中午的炎热使得农民们难以在田地里工作。)

8. We decided to have a picnic at midday in the park.(我们决定在中午时分在公园野餐。)

9. The midday bell signaled the start of the lunch break for the students.(中午的铃声标志着学生们午餐时间的开始。)

10. The midday shadows grew shorter as the sun reached its zenith.(当太阳达到最高点时,中午的影子变得越来越短。)

11. Midday is the time when the sun is directly overhead.(中午是太阳正好在头顶上方的时候。)

12. The midday sun can be quite intense in the desert.(在沙漠中,中午的阳光可能非常强烈。)

13. The midday meal in some cultures is the main meal of the day.(在一些文化中,中午餐是一天中的主要餐饮。)

14. The midday siesta is a common practice in some Mediterranean countries.(在一些地中海国家,午间小睡是一种常见的习惯。)

15. The midday sky was clear and blue, without a cloud in sight.(中午的天空晴朗湛蓝,一片云都看不到。)

16. The midday rush at the restaurant meant that we had to wait for a table.(在餐馆中午用餐高峰期,我们不得不等待座位。)

17. The midday sun cast a warm glow over the city, creating a beautiful scene.(中午的阳光在城市上投下了温暖的光芒,创造了美丽的景色。)

18. The midday meeting was scheduled to discuss the project's progress.(中午的会议安排讨论项目的进展情况。)

19. The midday heat caused the ice cream to melt quickly.(中午的炎热导致冰淇淋迅速融化。)

20. The midday deadline for the report was approaching, so we had to work quickly to finish it.(报告的中午截止时间即将到来,所以我们必须迅速完成工作。)

上一个 【英语】mid-autumn的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】middle的例句



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