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时间: 2024-11-08 03:03:04


1. The mist hung low over the river, creating an eerie atmosphere. (薄雾笼罩在河面上,营造出一种神秘的氛围。)

2. She walked through the mist, feeling the dampness seep into her clothes. (她穿过薄雾,感受到潮湿渗透到她的衣服里。)

3. The mist obscured the view of the mountains in the distance. (薄雾遮挡了远处山峰的景色。)

4. As the sun rose, the mist began to dissipate, revealing the beauty of the landscape. (太阳升起时,薄雾开始消散,揭示出景色的美丽。)

5. The misty morning made it difficult to see the road ahead. (晨雾让前方的道路难以看清。)

6. The old castle looked even more mysterious and forbidding in the swirling mist. (在缭绕的薄雾中,古老的城堡显得更加神秘和令人生畏。)

7. The mist clung to the trees, giving the forest an enchanted appearance. (薄雾缠绕在树上,使得森林呈现出一种神奇的景象。)

8. We could hear the sound of the river flowing through the misty valley. (我们能听到河水在薄雾笼罩的山谷中流淌的声音。)

9. The ship disappeared into the mist, leaving us with a sense of unease. (船只消失在薄雾中,让我们感到不安。)

10. The mist added a sense of mystery to the ancient ruins. (薄雾给古老的废墟增添了一丝神秘感。)

11. 雾笼罩着整个城市,使得远处的建筑物都朦胧不清。

12. 他迷失在浓雾中,找不到回家的路。

13. 晨雾中的湖面宛如一面镜子,倒映出山峦的轮廓。

14. 雾气弥漫在空气中,使得整个森林都笼罩在一层薄薄的白色薄雾之中。

15. 雾气缭绕着,使得远处的景色变得模糊不清。

16. 她穿过薄雾,感觉到湿气渗透到了她的骨子里。

17. 在薄雾中行驶,使得能见度变得非常低。

18. 雾气中弥漫着一种神秘的氛围,让人感到不安。

19. 雾气中的树木显得更加苍凉,给人一种忧郁的感觉。

20. 薄雾中的小镇宛如一个仙境,充满了诗意和浪漫的色彩。

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