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时间: 2024-11-09 09:10:29


1. The amount of work was so overwhelming that I didn't know where to start.(工作量如此巨大,我不知道从何开始。)

2. She felt overwhelmed by the sudden influx of responsibilities.(她感到被突如其来的责任压得喘不过气来。)

3. The team was overwhelmed by the opponent's aggressive tactics.(对手的激进战术让我们队不知所措。)

4. The beauty of the landscape overwhelmed me with a sense of awe.(景色的美丽让我感到震撼。)

5. The emotional impact of the tragedy was overwhelming for the entire community.(悲剧的情感冲击对整个社区来说是难以承受的。)

6. She was overwhelmed with gratitude when she received the unexpected gift.(她收到意外的礼物时,感激之情油然而生。)

7. The noise and chaos of the city can be overwhelming for some people.(城市的嘈杂和混乱可能会让一些人感到不知所措。)

8. The sheer scale of the project was overwhelming, but we were determined to succeed.(项目的规模之大令人望而却步,但我们决心要成功。)

9. The students were overwhelmed with joy when they found out they had won the competition.(学生们得知自己赢得比赛时,喜悦之情溢于言表。)

10. The support from the community was overwhelming, and it gave us the strength to carry on.(社区的支持之大让我们感到无比的鼓舞,让我们有了继续前行的力量。)

11. 那个消息令我感到无法承受。 (The news was overwhelming to me.)

12. 面对这种巨大的压力,他感到无所适从。 (Faced with such overwhelming pressure, he felt at a loss.)

13. 这场灾难给整个城市带来了巨大的冲击。 (The disaster had an overwhelming impact on the entire city.)

14. 她被这个突如其来的好消息激动得说不出话来。 (She was overwhelmed with joy by the unexpected good news.)

15. 这项任务的复杂性让他感到不知所措。 (The complexity of the task overwhelmed him.)

16. 在这么短的时间内完成这么多工作,真是让人感到不知所措。 (It's overwhelming to accomplish so much work in such a short time.)

17. 他被这个突如其来的挑战吓了一跳。 (He was overwhelmed by the sudden challenge.)

18. 看到那么多人来支持我们,我感到无比感激。 (I was overwhelmed by the support from so many people.)

19. 面对这么多的选择,她感到不知所措。 (Faced with so many choices, she felt overwhelmed.)

20. 这个惊人的成绩让我们感到无比自豪。 (The overwhelming achievement filled us with pride.)

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