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时间: 2024-09-20 08:06:13


1. She had to persist in her efforts to learn a new language.


2. Despite facing many obstacles, he continued to persist in his pursuit of his dream.


3. The rain persisted throughout the night, causing flooding in many areas.


4. She persisted in asking for a raise, despite being rejected multiple times.


5. The pain in his knee persisted despite taking medication.


6. The company persisted with their marketing campaign, despite initial setbacks.


7. She persisted in her belief that things would get better, even in the face of adversity.


8. The smell of smoke persisted in the air long after the fire had been extinguished.


9. Despite the criticism, she persisted in her unconventional approach to problem-solving.


10. The feeling of unease persisted, making it difficult for him to relax.


11. 尽管面临挑战,他坚持不懈地追求自己的目标。

12. 她不断坚持要求公平的对待。

13. 尽管困难重重,他还是坚持完成了这项任务。

14. 疼痛持续了好几天,令他难以入睡。

15. 尽管遭到批评,她还是坚持自己的观点。

16. 雨势持续了一整个星期,导致了洪水。

17. 尽管受到挫折,他还是坚持进行了自己的计划。

18. 她坚持认为自己是正确的。

19. 这种情绪持续了好几个月,让他感到沮丧。

20. 尽管面临困难,他还是坚持了下来。

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