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时间: 2024-09-20 05:59:10


1. She tried to persuade her friend to go on the trip with her.(她试图说服她的朋友和她一起去旅行。)

2. The salesman used all his charm to persuade the customer to buy the product.(销售员用尽了所有的魅力说服客户购买产品。)

3. I will try to persuade my parents to let me go to the concert.(我会努力说服我的父母让我去参加音乐会。)

4. It took a lot of effort to persuade the committee to change their decision.(说服委员会改变他们的决定需要付出很多努力。)

5. She managed to persuade her boss to give her a raise.(她成功说服了她的老板给她加薪。)

6. The politician's speech was designed to persuade voters to support his policies.(政治家的演讲旨在说服选民支持他的政策。)

7. It's hard to persuade him to try new things; he's very set in his ways.(很难说服他尝试新的东西;他非常固执。)

8. She used logic and evidence to persuade her classmates to join the debate team.(她用逻辑和证据说服她的同学加入辩论队。)

9. The teacher tried to persuade the students to study harder for the upcoming exam.(老师努力说服学生为即将到来的考试更加努力学习。)

10. He was able to persuade the committee to fund his research project.(他成功说服委员会资助他的研究项目。)

11. 我们需要说服他们接受我们的提议。

12. 他的才华和魅力使得他很容易就说服了委员会。

13. 她的逻辑和证据最终说服了他们接受了她的观点。

14. 我们需要用数据来说服投资者投资我们的项目。

15. 他通过说服顾客购买了他的产品。

16. 老板很难被说服同意给予更多的假期。

17. 他们成功地说服了市长支持他们的环保计划。

18. 这个广告旨在说服消费者购买他们的产品。

19. 他的演讲成功地说服了观众支持他的政治理念。

20. 她用感情上的恳求说服了父母让她参加这次旅行。

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