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时间: 2024-09-20 01:05:36


1. The perimeter of the square is equal to four times the length of one of its sides. (这个正方形的周长等于它的一边长度的四倍。)

2. The police officer patrolled the perimeter of the building to ensure its security. (警察在建筑物周边巡逻,确保安全。)

3. The fence was built around the perimeter of the property to keep out intruders. (篱笆围绕着房产的周边建起,以阻止闯入者。)

4. The soldiers were ordered to secure the perimeter of the camp. (士兵们被命令守卫营地的周边。)

5. The teacher asked the students to calculate the perimeter of the irregular shape. (老师要求学生计算这个不规则形状的周长。)

6. The perimeter of the garden was adorned with colorful flowers. (花园的周边点缀着五彩缤纷的花朵。)

7. The security guard walked around the perimeter of the warehouse, keeping a watchful eye out for any suspicious activity. (保安人员在仓库周边巡逻,警惕地留意任何可疑活动。)

8. The children ran around the perimeter of the playground, playing tag. (孩子们在操场周边跑来跑去,玩游戏。)

9. The surveyor measured the perimeter of the land to determine its boundaries. (测量员测量土地的周长以确定其边界。)

10. The perimeter of the swimming pool was lined with tiles. (游泳池的周边铺满了瓷砖。)

11. The police set up a perimeter around the crime scene to preserve evidence. (警方在犯罪现场周边设置了封锁线以保护证据。)

12. The hikers followed the perimeter of the lake, enjoying the scenic views. (徒步旅行者沿着湖泊周边走,欣赏着美丽的景色。)

13. The security team conducted a thorough sweep of the perimeter before the event. (安保团队在活动前对周边进行了彻底的搜查。)

14. The construction workers erected a fence along the perimeter of the construction site. (建筑工人在施工现场周边建起了篱笆。)

15. The children were warned not to go beyond the perimeter of the playground. (孩子们被警告不要越过操场的周边。)

16. The perimeter of the property was outlined by a row of trees. (房产的周边由一排树木勾勒出来。)

17. The security guard monitored the perimeter using surveillance cameras. (保安人员通过监控摄像头监视周边。)

18. The perimeter of the city was fortified with high walls for protection. (城市的周边用高墙加固以进行防护。)

19. The students measured the perimeter of the classroom to calculate the amount of border needed for a decoration project. (学生测量教室的周长,以计算装饰项目所需的边框长度。)

20. The dog was trained to patrol the perimeter of the property. (这只狗受过训练,负责巡逻房产的周边。)

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