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时间: 2024-11-08 01:04:48


1. She worked hard and finally succeeded in passing the exam. (她努力学习,最终成功通过了考试。)

2. After many failed attempts, he finally succeeded in starting his own business. (经过多次失败尝试,他终于成功创办了自己的企业。)

3. The team's efforts to improve the product succeeded beyond their expectations. (团队努力改进产品的成果超出了他们的预期。)

4. Despite facing many obstacles, she never gave up and eventually succeeded in reaching her goal. (尽管面临许多障碍,她从未放弃,最终成功实现了她的目标。)

5. The new marketing strategy succeeded in attracting a larger customer base. (新的营销策略成功吸引了更多的客户群体。)

6. He always believed that he would succeed in his chosen career. (他一直相信自己会在自己选择的职业中取得成功。)

7. Despite the odds, the team succeeded in winning the championship. (尽管面临种种困难,该团队成功赢得了冠军。)

8. She was determined to succeed in her mission to help those in need. (她决心要在帮助有需要的人的使命中取得成功。)

9. The new software update succeeded in fixing the previous bugs. (新的软件更新成功修复了之前的漏洞。)

10. The students' hard work and dedication succeeded in impressing their teachers. (学生们的努力和奉献成功地给他们的老师留下了深刻的印象。)

11. 她努力工作,最终成功通过了考试。

12. 经过多次失败尝试,他终于成功创办了自己的企业。

13. 团队努力改进产品的成果超出了他们的预期。

14. 尽管面临许多障碍,她从未放弃,最终成功实现了她的目标。

15. 新的营销策略成功吸引了更多的客户群体。

16. 他一直相信自己会在自己选择的职业中取得成功。

17. 尽管面临种种困难,该团队成功赢得了冠军。

18. 她决心要在帮助有需要的人的使命中取得成功。

19. 新的软件更新成功修复了之前的漏洞。

20. 学生们的努力和奉献成功地给他们的老师留下了深刻的印象。

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