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时间: 2024-10-06 21:47:58


1. The board reached a unanimous decision to approve the new budget.(董事会一致决定批准新预算。)

2. The jury delivered a unanimous verdict of guilty.(陪审团一致裁定有罪。)

3. The team's performance received unanimous praise from the critics.(团队的表现得到了评论家们的一致好评。)

4. The committee members were unanimous in their support for the proposed policy.(委员会成员一致支持提议的政策。)

5. The students were unanimous in their choice of class president.(学生们一致选择了班长。)

6. The entire group was unanimous in their decision to take a break.(整个团队一致决定休息一下。)

7. The board members were unanimous in their opposition to the merger.(董事会成员一致反对合并。)

8. The audience gave the performance a unanimous standing ovation.(观众一致起立为表演鼓掌。)

9. The committee reached a unanimous agreement on the new project proposal.(委员会一致同意新项目提案。)

10. The shareholders were unanimous in their approval of the company's new direction.(股东们一致同意公司的新方向。)

11. 所有人都同意了新规定,会议是一致通过的。

12. 所有成员都一致同意了这项提议。

13. 他们一致认为这个方案是最佳选择。

14. 评委们一致同意颁发奖项给这位选手。

15. 所有团队成员都一致同意了这个计划。

16. 他们一致决定推迟会议日期。

17. 董事会一致通过了新的战略计划。

18. 他们一致同意提升这位员工的职位。

19. 委员会一致通过了这项提案。

20. 他们一致同意继续支持这个慈善项目。

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