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时间: 2024-09-20 01:02:20


1. The transition from high school to college can be challenging for many students. (从高中到大学的过渡对许多学生来说可能是具有挑战性的。)

2. The company is going through a period of transition as they restructure their operations. (公司正在经历一段转型期,他们正在重新调整业务。)

3. The transition between scenes in the movie was seamless and well-executed. (电影中场景之间的过渡是无缝的,执行得很好。)

4. She struggled with the transition to a new job in a different city. (她在适应在另一个城市的新工作上遇到了困难。)

5. This painting captures the transition from day to night in a beautiful way. (这幅画以美丽的方式捕捉了从白天到夜晚的过渡。)

6. The transition of power from one political party to another was a smooth process. (政权从一个政党向另一个政党的过渡是一个顺利的过程。)

7. The transition to renewable energy sources is essential for combating climate change. (向可再生能源的过渡对于应对气候变化至关重要。)

8. The transition of leadership within the organization was met with mixed reactions from the employees. (组织内部领导层的过渡引起了员工们不同的反应。)

9. The transition from childhood to adolescence is a time of significant change and growth. (从童年到青春期的过渡是一个重大变化和成长的时期。)

10. The transition to a paperless office has resulted in increased efficiency. (向无纸化办公的过渡导致了效率的提高。)

11. The transition in the music from a slow melody to a fast-paced rhythm was captivating. (音乐中从缓慢旋律到快节奏的过渡令人着迷。)

12. The transition of the caterpillar into a butterfly is a remarkable natural process. (毛毛虫向蝴蝶的过渡是一个非凡的自然过程。)

13. The transition to remote work required adjustments for both employees and employers. (远程工作的过渡需要员工和雇主都进行调整。)

14. The transition of the seasons from summer to autumn brings a change in the landscape. (从夏天到秋天的季节过渡带来了景观的变化。)

15. The transition from a dictatorship to a democracy was a monumental moment in the country's history. (从独裁统治到民主制度的过渡是该国历史上的一个重要时刻。)

16. The transition to a new software system has caused some temporary disruptions in our workflow. (转换到新的软件系统导致了我们工作流程的一些暂时性中断。)

17. The transition of knowledge from one generation to the next is crucial for the preservation of culture and traditions. (知识从一代人传递到下一代对于文化和传统的传承至关重要。)

18. The transition to retirement can be a major life adjustment for many individuals. (退休的过渡对许多人来说是一种重大的生活调整。)

19. The transition of power in the company led to a shift in strategic direction. (公司权力的过渡导致了战略方向的转变。)

20. The transition from an old building to a modern, renovated space revitalized the neighborhood. (从旧建筑到现代翻新的空间的过渡使得周边地区焕发了新的生机。)

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