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时间: 2024-10-06 21:48:08


1. The idea originated from a brainstorming session. (这个想法起源于头脑风暴会议。)

2. The tradition of giving red envelopes during Chinese New Year originated in ancient times. (在中国新年期间赠送红包的传统起源于古代。)

3. The virus is believed to have originated in a seafood market in Wuhan. (据信这种病毒起源于武汉的一个海鲜市场。)

4. The company originated as a small family business. (这家公司起初是一个小家庭企业。)

5. The concept of democracy originated in ancient Greece. (民主的概念起源于古希腊。)

6. Many English words originate from Latin. (许多英语单词起源于拉丁语。)

7. The problem originated from a misunderstanding between the two parties. (这个问题起源于双方之间的误解。)

8. The idea to start a charity event originated from a group of volunteers. (举办慈善活动的想法起源于一群志愿者。)

9. The dispute between the two countries originated from a territorial disagreement. (这两个国家之间的争端起源于领土纠纷。)

10. The famous dish originated in Italy. (这道著名的菜肴起源于意大利。)

11. The plan originated from the CEO's vision for the company's future. (这项计划起源于公司首席执行官对公司未来的愿景。)

12. The idea originated from a customer suggestion. (这个想法起源于一位顾客的建议。)

13. The tradition of exchanging wedding rings originated in ancient Egypt. (交换结婚戒指的传统起源于古埃及。)

14. The conflict originated from a misunderstanding of cultural differences. (这场冲突起源于对文化差异的误解。)

15. The custom of wearing green on St. Patrick's Day originated in Ireland. (在圣帕特里克节穿绿色的习俗起源于爱尔兰。)

16. The idea originated during a team meeting. (这个想法起源于团队会议。)

17. The disease is thought to have originated from contaminated water sources. (这种疾病被认为起源于被污染的水源。)

18. The tradition of lighting candles on a birthday cake originated in Germany. (在生日蛋糕上点蜡烛的传统起源于德国。)

19. The concept of time management originated from the need to increase productivity. (时间管理的概念起源于增加生产力的需求。)

20. The dispute originated from a misunderstanding of the terms of the contract. (这场争端起源于对合同条款的误解。)

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