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时间: 2024-10-06 20:07:21


1. She lived in an ordinary house on the outskirts of town.(她住在镇外的一座普通房子里。)

2. His ordinary appearance belied the extraordinary intelligence within.(他普通的外表掩盖了内心非凡的智慧。)

3. We had an ordinary meal at the local diner.(我们在当地的小餐馆吃了一顿普通的饭菜。)

4. There was nothing extraordinary about the way he spoke; it was quite ordinary.(他说话的方式并没有什么特别之处;非常普通。)

5. The book tells the story of an ordinary man who becomes a hero.(这本书讲述了一个普通人成为英雄的故事。)

6. Despite his extraordinary talent, he preferred to live an ordinary life.(尽管他有非凡的才华,但他更喜欢过普通的生活。)

7. The hotel room was quite ordinary, with no special features.(酒店房间很普通,没有特别的特色。)

8. She had an ordinary job, working in an office from 9 to 5.(她有一份普通的工作,从早九晚五在办公室工作。)

9. The movie tells the story of an ordinary family facing extraordinary challenges.(这部电影讲述了一个普通家庭面对非凡挑战的故事。)

10. He was an ordinary student, neither exceptional nor struggling.(他是一个普通的学生,既不出众也不挣扎。)

11. The restaurant served ordinary food at reasonable prices.(这家餐馆以合理的价格提供普通的食物。)

12. Despite his ordinary background, he achieved great success in his career.(尽管他出身平凡,但他在事业上取得了巨大的成功。)

13. The town had an ordinary charm that appealed to many visitors.(这个小镇有一种普通的魅力,吸引了许多游客。)

14. The car was just an ordinary sedan, nothing fancy.(这辆车只是一辆普通的轿车,没有什么花哨的地方。)

15. She wore an ordinary dress to the party, not wanting to attract attention.(她穿了一件普通的连衣裙去参加派对,不想引起注意。)

16. The town's annual festival was a celebration of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.(小镇的年度节日是对普通人做非凡事情的庆祝。)

17. The hotel offered ordinary amenities, but the service was exceptional.(酒店提供普通的设施,但服务非常出色。)

18. He was content with an ordinary life, with no desire for fame or fortune.(他满足于平凡的生活,对名利没有渴望。)

19. The class was filled with ordinary students, each with their own dreams and aspirations.(班里充满了普通的学生,每个人都有自己的梦想和抱负。)

20. Despite his ordinary appearance, he had a charismatic presence that drew people to him.(尽管他外表普通,但他有一种魅力的存在感,吸引着人们。)

上一个 【英语】originate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】ornament的例句



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