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时间: 2024-09-19 17:22:58


1. The detective's deduction led to the arrest of the criminal. (侦探的推理导致了罪犯的逮捕。)

2. Through careful deduction, the scientist was able to formulate a new theory. (科学家通过仔细的推理,得出了一个新的理论。)

3. The deduction of expenses from the total revenue resulted in the net profit. (从总收入中扣除费用得出了净利润。)

4. Sherlock Holmes is famous for his deductive reasoning skills. (福尔摩斯以其演绎推理技巧而闻名。)

5. The deduction of taxes from your paycheck is necessary for funding public services. (从工资中扣除税金是为了资助公共服务。)

6. His deduction about the suspect turned out to be accurate. (他对嫌疑人的推断最终被证明是准确的。)

7. The deduction of points for incorrect answers is a common practice in exams. (扣除错误答案的分数是考试中常见的做法。)

8. The deduction of the missing pieces of the puzzle helped solve the mystery. (推断出拼图中缺失的部分有助于解开谜团。)

9. The deduction of the cost of materials resulted in the final production expenses. (从材料成本中扣除费用得出最终的生产成本。)

10. By deduction, we can conclude that the suspect was at the scene of the crime. (通过推理,我们可以得出结论,嫌疑人曾在犯罪现场。)

11. 我们通过推理得出了这个结论。

12. 这个案件的推断很快就被证实了。

13. 税收扣除对于减轻个人负担很重要。

14. 他的推论非常有逻辑性。

15. 通过推断,我们可以确定这个方案的可行性。

16. 她的推理能力使她成为了一名出色的侦探。

17. 这个数学问题需要进行一些逻辑推理。

18. 他的推断是基于大量的证据。

19. 他的推理能力帮助他解决了这个难题。

20. 通过推断,我们可以找到最佳的解决方案。

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