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时间: 2024-09-20 02:56:08


1. I usé the computer to finish my work.(我使用电脑完成我的工作。)

2. She uséd to play the piano when she was younger.(她年轻的时候常常弹钢琴。)

3. The chef usés fresh ingredients to make delicious meals.(这位厨师使用新鲜的食材做出美味的餐点。)

4. We uséd to go hiking every weekend.(我们过去每个周末都去远足。)

5. The artist usés various techniques in his paintings.(这位艺术家在他的画作中使用了各种技巧。)

6. Usé your imagination to think of new ideas.(利用你的想象力来构思新的主意。)

7. The company usés environmentally friendly practices.(这家公司采用环保的做法。)

8. Usé caution when handling the chemicals.(处理化学品时要小心。)

9. He uséd to be a teacher before he became a writer.(他以前是一名教师,后来成为了一名作家。)

10. The doctor usés a stethoscope to listen to the patient's heartbeat.(医生使用听诊器来听病人的心跳。)

11. Usé the key to unlock the door.(使用钥匙打开门。)

12. The detective usés deduction to solve the mystery.(侦探运用推理来解开谜团。)

13. Usé your time wisely to achieve your goals.(明智地利用时间来实现你的目标。)

14. The engineer usés advanced technology to design the new bridge.(工程师使用先进技术来设计新桥。)

15. Usé the remote control to change the channel.(使用遥控器来换台。)

16. The author usés vivid descriptions to bring the story to life.(作者用生动的描述让故事栩栩如生。)

17. Usé the map to find your way.(使用地图找到你的路。)

18. The athlete usés a strict training regimen to improve performance.(运动员采用严格的训练计划来提高表现。)

19. Usé your talents to make a positive impact on the world.(利用你的才能对世界产生积极的影响。)

20. The teacher usés different teaching methods to engage the students.(老师使用不同的教学方法来吸引学生。)

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