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时间: 2024-09-19 11:32:20


1. The carder swiped the stolen credit card at multiple stores before being caught by the police.


2. The carder was part of a sophisticated criminal network that specialized in identity theft and credit card fraud.


3. The authorities cracked down on a group of carders who were using skimming devices to steal credit card information from unsuspecting customers.


4. The carder was sentenced to five years in prison for his involvement in a large-scale credit card fraud scheme.


5. The carder used sophisticated techniques to create counterfeit credit cards that were almost indistinguishable from the real ones.


6. Carders often target high-end retail stores where they can make large purchases using stolen credit card information.


7. The carder was caught red-handed trying to use a counterfeit credit card to buy expensive jewelry.


8. The police are working to dismantle a sophisticated carder operation that has been targeting local businesses.


9. The carder was skilled at cloning credit cards and using them to make unauthorized purchases.


10. The carder's illegal activities came to an end when he was finally apprehended by law enforcement.


11. 刷卡者利用偷窃的信用卡信息在网上购物。

12. 警方成功逮捕了一伙专门从事信用卡盗刷的刷卡者。

13. 这名刷卡者被控以盗窃信用卡信息和个人身份信息。

14. 刷卡者往往通过网络渠道购买盗刷信用卡信息。

15. 他们怀疑这家商店的工作人员可能是刷卡者的同伙。

16. 刷卡者利用窃取的信用卡信息在奢侈品店里购物。

17. 这个刷卡者是一起大型信用卡诈骗案件的嫌疑人之一。

18. 警方正在追踪一名潜在的刷卡者,他们认为他可能是一名重要的犯罪分子。

19. 这名刷卡者被指控使用伪造的信用卡信息进行非法交易。

20. 刷卡者被判处长期监禁,以制止他们的犯罪活动。

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