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时间: 2024-09-29 00:57:39


1. She wore a beautiful gold bracelet on her wrist. (她戴着一只漂亮的金手镯在手腕上。)

2. He gave her a diamond bracelet as a birthday present. (他送给她一只钻石手镯作为生日礼物。)

3. The bracelet was engraved with her name. (手镯上刻有她的名字。)

4. She wrapped the bracelet around her wrist and fastened the clasp. (她将手镯缠绕在手腕上并扣上了扣子。)

5. The bracelet jingled as she moved her arm. (手镯在她挥动手臂时发出叮当声。)

6. The bracelet slipped off her wrist and fell to the ground. (手镯从她手腕上滑落到地上。)

7. The bracelet was too tight and left a mark on her skin. (手镯太紧了,在她皮肤上留下了痕迹。)

8. She cherished the bracelet as a keepsake from her grandmother. (她珍视这只手镯,因为它是她祖母的遗物。)

9. The bracelet was adorned with colorful gemstones. (手镯上镶嵌着五颜六色的宝石。)

10. She fidgeted with the bracelet nervously during the meeting. (她在会议期间紧张地玩弄着手镯。)

11. The bracelet slipped through her fingers and landed in the pond. (手镯从她手指间滑落,落在了池塘里。)

12. Her wrist felt bare without the bracelet she always wore. (她一直戴着的手镯不在,她觉得手腕空空的。)

13. The bracelet was a family heirloom passed down through generations. (这只手镯是代代相传的家传宝物。)

14. She bought a charm bracelet and added a new charm for every significant event in her life. (她买了一只魅力手镯,每次重要事件发生时,都会加一个新的魅力。)

15. The bracelet was too loose and kept sliding down her arm. (手镯太松,一直滑落到她的手臂上。)

16. She admired the intricate design of the bracelet. (她欣赏手镯的复杂设计。)

17. The bracelet sparkled in the sunlight, catching everyone's attention. (手镯在阳光下闪闪发光,吸引了所有人的注意。)

18. The bracelet was a symbol of her tribe's traditions and culture. (手镯是她部落传统和文化的象征。)

19. She clasped the bracelet tightly, feeling a sense of comfort and security. (她紧紧地扣上手镯,感到一种安慰和安全感。)

20. The bracelet was a reminder of the love and friendship she shared with her best friend. (手镯是她与挚友分享的爱和友情的象征。)

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