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时间: 2024-09-20 01:14:32


1. The news of the scandal caused a tollé in the community.(这起丑闻的消息在社区内引起了轰动。)

2. His controversial remarks sparked a tollé among the audience.(他的争议性言论在听众中引起了轰动。)

3. The decision to close the local library has caused a tollé among the residents.(关闭当地图书馆的决定在居民中引起了轰动。)

4. The singer's sudden retirement announcement created a tollé among her fans.(歌手突然的退休公告在她的粉丝中引起了轰动。)

5. The new law has sparked a tollé in the legal community.(这项新法律在法律界引起了轰动。)

6. The company's decision to lay off employees has caused a tollé among the staff.(公司裁员的决定在员工中引起了轰动。)

7. The politician's scandalous behavior has created a tollé in the media.(政客丑闻的行为在媒体中引起了轰动。)

8. The artist's controversial exhibition has caused a tollé in the art world.(艺术家具争议性的展览在艺术界引起了轰动。)

9. The celebrity's insensitive comments have sparked a tollé on social media.(名人的不敏感评论在社交媒体上引起了轰动。)

10. The controversial decision by the school board has caused a tollé among parents.(学校委员会的争议性决定在家长中引起了轰动。)

11. The tollé surrounding the new policy forced the company to reconsider its implementation.(围绕新政策的轰动迫使公司重新考虑实施。)

12. The tollé over the proposed budget cuts led to heated debates in the parliament.(针对拟议的预算削减的轰动引发了议会的激烈辩论。)

13. The tollé following the release of the controversial film prompted public demonstrations.(在争议电影发布后的轰动引发了公众示威。)

14. The tollé over the environmental impact of the new development project raised concerns among local residents.(针对新开发项目环境影响的轰动引发了当地居民的担忧。)

15. The tollé over the company's unethical practices led to a loss of public trust.(针对公司不道德行为的轰动导致了公众信任的丧失。)

16. The tollé over the government's handling of the crisis resulted in calls for a change in leadership.(政府处理危机的轰动引发了对领导层变革的呼声。)

17. The tollé over the controversial decision reached international media outlets.(针对争议性决定的轰动传遍了国际媒体。)

18. The tollé surrounding the celebrity's scandalous behavior led to widespread public condemnation.(围绕名人丑闻行为的轰动引发了公众的广泛谴责。)

19. The tollé over the company's product recall damaged its reputation in the market.(针对公司产品召回的轰动损害了其在市场上的声誉。)

20. The tollé over the controversial appointment of the new CEO triggered internal conflicts within the company.(关于新任CEO争议性任命的轰动引发了公司内部的冲突。)

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