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时间: 2024-10-06 19:55:50


1. The comedian added some hilarious lazzis to his performance, making the audience burst into laughter.(这位喜剧演员在表演中加入了一些滑稽的段子,让观众笑翻了。)

2. The actor's use of lazzis brought a sense of whimsy to the otherwise serious play.(演员运用滑稽元素给原本严肃的剧目增添了一丝幽默感。)

3. The clown's lazzis and physical comedy delighted the children at the circus.(小丑的滑稽表演和肢体喜剧让马戏团里的孩子们欢乐不已。)

4. The play was filled with clever lazzis that kept the audience entertained throughout.(这出戏充满了巧妙的滑稽元素,让观众始终保持着兴致。)

5. The comedian's lazzis were so well-timed, it had the entire audience in stitches.(这位喜剧演员的滑稽表演时机把握得很好,让整个观众笑得前仰后合。)

6. The actor's natural flair for lazzis made him a standout in the comedy scene.(演员天生对滑稽表演有一种天赋,让他在喜剧界脱颖而出。)

7. The use of lazzis in the play added a lighthearted touch to the otherwise emotional storyline.(在这出戏中加入滑稽元素,给原本情感丰富的故事线增添了一丝轻松的氛围。)

8. The comedian's spontaneous lazzis kept the audience on their toes, never knowing what to expect next.(这位喜剧演员的即兴滑稽表演让观众始终保持警惕,从未知道接下来会发生什么。)

9. The slapstick comedy was filled with classic lazzis that had the audience roaring with laughter.(闹剧喜剧充满了经典的滑稽段子,让观众笑声不断。)

10. The clown's use of lazzis and physical humor created a joyful atmosphere at the children's party.(小丑运用滑稽表演和肢体幽默在儿童派对上营造了欢乐的氛围。)

11. The play's well-timed lazzis brought a sense of levity to the heavy subject matter.(这出戏精准的滑稽表演在沉重的主题中增添了一丝轻松感。)

12. The comedian's quick wit and use of lazzis made the comedy show a hit with the audience.(这位喜剧演员的机智和滑稽表演让喜剧秀在观众中大获成功。)

13. The actor's talent for creating lazzis on the spot impressed the director and the rest of the cast.(演员即兴创作滑稽段子的才华让导演和其他演员印象深刻。)

14. The use of subtle lazzis in the play added layers of humor that delighted the audience.(在这出戏中巧妙运用的滑稽元素增添了幽默感,让观众欢笑不断。)

15. The comedian's exaggerated lazzis and physical comedy had the audience in fits of laughter.(这位喜剧演员夸张的滑稽表演和肢体喜剧让观众笑得前仰后合。)

16. The play's clever use of lazzis created a comedic rhythm that carried the audience through the entire performance.(这出戏巧妙运用滑稽元素创造了一种喜剧节奏,让观众贯穿整个表演。)

17. The clown's knack for incorporating lazzis into his routine made him a favorite at the circus.(小丑在表演中巧妙地融入滑稽元素,让他成为马戏团的宠儿。)

18. The use of traditional lazzis in the comedy show paid homage to the classic style of physical humor.(在喜剧秀中运用传统的滑稽元素向经典的肢体幽默风格致敬。)

19. The comedian's well-rehearsed lazzis added a polished touch to his stand-up routine.(这位喜剧演员经过精心排练的滑稽表演给他的单口喜剧增添了一丝精致的感觉。)

20. The play's use of lazzis as a form of comic relief balanced out the more serious themes.(这出戏运用滑稽元素作为一种喜剧缓解,平衡了更严肃的主题。)

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