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时间: 2024-10-06 21:48:08


1. I need to buy some bas essentials for my trip - 我需要为旅行购买一些基本必需品。

2. The bas level of the river has risen after the heavy rain - 河水在大雨后的水位上升了。

3. She has a bas understanding of the subject - 她对这个主题的理解很基础。

4. We need to establish a bas level of trust before we can work together - 我们需要建立起一定程度的信任才能一起工作。

5. The company provides a bas salary with opportunities for bonuses - 公司提供基本工资并有奖金机会。

6. The bas of the cake is made from chocolate - 蛋糕的底部是巧克力做的。

7. The bas of the tree was damaged in the storm - 树的基部在风暴中受损了。

8. The bas of the mountain is covered in snow - 山的底部被雪覆盖着。

9. The bas of the page was torn - 书页的底部被撕裂了。

10. The bas of the building is made from sturdy concrete - 建筑物的底部是用坚固的混凝土建造的。

11. The bas of the problem lies in poor communication - 问题的根源在于沟通不畅。

12. The bas of the soup is a rich chicken broth - 汤的基础是浓郁的鸡汤。

13. The bas of the theory is rooted in ancient philosophy - 这个理论的基础根植于古代哲学。

14. The bas of the company's success is its dedicated employees - 公司成功的基础是其敬业的员工。

15. The bas of the dispute is a misunderstanding - 争端的根源是误解。

16. The bas of her argument is flawed - 她的论点基础有缺陷。

17. The bas of the painting is a layer of primer - 画作的底层是一层底漆。

18. The bas of the mountain is a popular hiking spot - 山的脚下是一个受欢迎的徒步旅行地点。

19. The bas of the company's product line is organic ingredients - 公司产品线的基础是有机成分。

20. The bas of the problem is a lack of resources - 问题的基础是资源匮乏。

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