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时间: 2024-09-10 06:52:18


1. He applied for a patent for his new invention.


2. The company holds a patent for their unique manufacturing process.


3. The inventor was granted a patent for his innovative design.


4. The patent protects the inventor's rights to his creation.


5. The patent office rejected his application due to lack of novelty.


6. The company is facing a lawsuit for infringing on a patent.


7. The patent for the new medication has been approved by the regulatory agency.


8. The patent holder has the exclusive right to produce and sell the product.


9. The company is investing heavily in research and development to secure more patents.


10. The patent will expire in ten years, after which the invention can be freely used by anyone.


11. 这个发明已经被授予专利保护。

(The invention has been granted patent protection.)

12. 他们正在寻求专利权保护他们的创新设计。

(They are seeking a patent to protect their innovative design.)

13. 专利是对发明家创造的产权的一种法律保护。

(A patent is a legal protection of the property rights of inventors.)

14. 专利法律规定了专利持有者的权利和责任。

(Patent law sets out the rights and responsibilities of patent holders.)

15. 专利的申请过程需要通过专业的专利律师。

(The process of applying for a patent requires a professional patent attorney.)

16. 他们正在与另一家公司就专利侵权问题展开诉讼。

(They are involved in a lawsuit with another company over patent infringement.)

17. 专利的保护期限可以根据法律进行延长。

(The protection period of a patent can be extended according to the law.)

18. 专利保护了发明家对其创造物的权利。

(The patent protects the inventor's rights to his creation.)

19. 他们正在研究如何更好地利用他们的专利技术。

(They are researching how to better utilize their patented technology.)

20. 这项技术已经被授予专利,因此不能被未经许可使用。

(The technology has been patented and cannot be used without permission.)

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