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时间: 2024-10-07 02:46:27


1. She entered the room wearing a flamboyant red dress that caught everyone's attention. 她穿着一件引人注目的红色华丽连衣裙走进房间,吸引了所有人的注意。

2. The flamboyant decorations at the party created a festive atmosphere. 派对上华丽的装饰营造了一种节日氛围。

3. His flamboyant personality made him the center of attention wherever he went. 他张扬的个性使他无论走到哪里都成为了焦点。

4. The singer's flamboyant stage presence captivated the audience. 歌手张扬的舞台表现力吸引了观众。

5. The flamboyant display of fireworks lit up the night sky. 华丽的烟火表演照亮了夜空。

6. She has a flamboyant style of writing that is both engaging and entertaining. 她有一种引人入胜、富有娱乐性的张扬写作风格。

7. The flamboyant peacock strutted around the garden, displaying its vibrant feathers. 华丽的孔雀在花园里昂首阔步,展示着它艳丽的羽毛。

8. The flamboyant artwork added a touch of drama to the gallery. 华丽的艺术品给画廊增添了一丝戏剧性。

9. Her flamboyant gestures and expressive facial expressions made her a captivating performer. 她张扬的手势和丰富的面部表情使她成为了一个迷人的表演者。

10. The flamboyant architecture of the building stood out in the city skyline. 建筑物的华丽建筑在城市天际线中脱颖而出。

11. His flamboyant lifestyle was the subject of much gossip and speculation. 他张扬的生活方式成为了许多流言蜚语和猜测的对象。

12. The flamboyant colors of the sunset painted the sky in shades of orange, pink, and purple. 日落的华丽色彩将天空点缀成橙色、粉红色和紫色。

13. The flamboyant actor stole the show with his over-the-top performance. 这个张扬的演员以夸张的表演抢走了整个节目。

14. The flamboyant bouquet of flowers brightened up the room. 鲜艳的花束给房间增添了一抹色彩。

15. Her flamboyant sense of fashion always turned heads on the red carpet. 她张扬的时尚感总是在红地毯上吸引了众人的目光。

16. The flamboyant design of the car made it stand out among the other vehicles. 这辆车的华丽设计使它在其他车辆中脱颖而出。

17. The flamboyant performance of the circus acrobats wowed the audience. 马戏团杂技演员的张扬表演让观众叹为观止。

18. The flamboyant display of wealth and extravagance was met with both admiration and criticism. 夸张的财富和奢侈的展示引起了人们的赞赏和批评。

19. The flamboyant personality of the fashion designer was reflected in her bold and daring designs. 时装设计师张扬的个性体现在她大胆而大胆的设计中。

20. His flamboyant charm and charisma made him a natural leader. 他张扬的魅力和领袖魅力使他成为了一个天生的领导者。

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