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时间: 2024-09-29 00:50:52


1. The resistance of the material to heat makes it suitable for use in high-temperature applications. (这种材料对热的抵抗力使其适用于高温应用。)

2. The resistance of the wire caused it to heat up when current passed through it. (电流通过导线时,导线的电阻导致它发热。)

3. The political resistance to the new policy was strong, leading to protests and demonstrations. (对新政策的政治抵抗力很强,导致了抗议和示威活动。)

4. The antibiotic is effective against bacterial resistance, helping to combat infections. (抗生素对细菌的抗药性有效,有助于对抗感染。)

5. The resistance of the athletes to fatigue allowed them to perform at their best for the entire competition. (运动员对疲劳的抵抗力使他们在整个比赛期间能够发挥出最佳状态。)

6. The resistance of the circuit needs to be carefully calculated to ensure proper functioning of the electronic device. (电路的电阻需要仔细计算,以确保电子设备的正常运行。)

7. The resistance of the material to corrosion makes it suitable for outdoor applications. (材料对腐蚀的抵抗力使其适用于室外应用。)

8. The resistance of the group to change hindered progress and innovation. (团体对改变的抵抗阻碍了进步和创新。)

9. The resistance of the population to foreign influence has shaped the country's cultural identity. (人民对外来影响的抵抗塑造了国家的文化身份。)

10. The resistance of the material to wear and tear ensures its durability in harsh conditions. (材料对磨损的抵抗力确保了它在恶劣条件下的耐用性。)

11. The resistance of the protestors to police intervention led to a prolonged standoff. (抗议者对警方干预的抵抗导致了长时间的对峙。)

12. The resistance of the circuit can be adjusted by adding or removing components. (电路的电阻可以通过增加或减少元件来调节。)

13. The resistance of the community to change reflects a strong attachment to tradition. (社区对改变的抵抗反映了对传统的强烈依恋。)

14. The resistance of the plant to pests and diseases makes it a low-maintenance choice for gardeners. (植物对害虫和疾病的抵抗力使其成为园艺爱好者的低维护选择。)

15. The resistance of the population to oppression led to a widespread uprising against the tyrannical regime. (人民对压迫的抵抗导致了对暴政的广泛起义。)

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