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时间: 2024-09-20 08:30:37


1. The farmer used a tractor to plow the field.(农民用拖拉机耕田。)

2. The tractor pulled the heavy load with ease.(拖拉机轻松地拉着沉重的货物。)

3. The children enjoyed riding on the tractor during the farm tour.(孩子们在农场游览时喜欢骑在拖拉机上。)

4. The tractor sputtered and stopped, needing repairs.(拖拉机发出咯咯声后停了下来,需要修理。)

5. The farmer drove the tractor carefully around the edge of the field.(农民小心地驾驶拖拉机绕着田地边缘行驶。)

6. The tractor's engine roared to life as the farmer turned the key.(农民转动钥匙时,拖拉机的发动机轰鸣着启动了。)

7. The tractor rumbled through the muddy field, pulling a plow behind it.(拖拉机在泥泞的田地里隆隆作响,后面拖着一根犁。)

8. The farmer used the tractor to transport the harvested crops to the storage shed.(农民用拖拉机将收割的庄稼运送到仓库。)

9. The tractor's headlights illuminated the dark field as the farmer worked late into the night.(农民在深夜工作时,拖拉机的前灯照亮了黑暗的田地。)

10. The tractor's tires kicked up clouds of dust as it drove down the dirt road.(拖拉机行驶在土路上,车轮激起了一片尘土。)

11. The farmer attached a plow to the back of the tractor to prepare the field for planting.(农民在拖拉机的后面连接了一根犁,为了准备田地种植作物。)

12. The tractor's engine hummed as it idled in the barn, waiting for the next day's work.(拖拉机的发动机发出嗡嗡声,它在谷仓里空转着,等待着第二天的工作。)

13. The tractor chugged along the bumpy terrain, making slow progress.(拖拉机在颠簸的地形上咕噜咕噜地行驶,进展缓慢。)

14. The farmer parked the tractor next to the silo after finishing the day's tasks.(农民完成了一天的任务后,把拖拉机停放在筒仓旁。)

15. The children waved excitedly as the tractor passed by, honking its horn.(当拖拉机鸣着喇叭经过时,孩子们兴奋地挥舞着。)

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