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时间: 2024-09-20 05:49:34


1. The treaty was signed by both countries, signaling an end to the conflict. (这项条约由两国签署,标志着冲突的结束。)

2. The peace treaty brought an end to the long-standing hostility between the two nations. (和平条约结束了两国之间长期存在的敌意。)

3. The treaty outlines the terms of trade between the two countries. (该条约详细规定了两国之间的贸易条款。)

4. The treaty established a framework for cooperation in environmental protection. (该条约建立了环境保护合作的框架。)

5. The treaty was ratified by the senate, making it legally binding. (该条约经参议院批准,具有法律约束力。)

6. The treaty stipulates that both parties must refrain from using nuclear weapons. (该条约规定双方必须避免使用核武器。)

7. The treaty was hailed as a significant step towards global disarmament. (该条约被誉为全球裁军的重要一步。)

8. The treaty includes provisions for the protection of human rights. (该条约包括保护人权的条款。)

9. The treaty was negotiated over several months before finally being signed. (该条约经过数月的谈判才最终签署。)

10. The treaty resolved the territorial disputes between the two neighboring countries. (该条约解决了两个邻国之间的领土争端。)

11. The treaty obligates both parties to provide mutual aid in times of crisis. (该条约要求双方在危机时互相提供援助。)

12. The treaty was designed to promote cultural exchange and understanding. (该条约旨在促进文化交流和理解。)

13. The treaty was hailed as a landmark achievement in international diplomacy. (该条约被誉为国际外交的里程碑式成就。)

14. The treaty was met with skepticism by some, who doubted its effectiveness. (有些人对该条约持怀疑态度,怀疑其有效性。)

15. The treaty was violated by one of the parties, leading to renewed tensions between the two countries. (该条约被一方违反,导致两国之间紧张局势重新升级。)

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