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时间: 2024-09-29 02:48:53


1. The verbal agreement was not legally binding. (口头协议在法律上不具有约束力。)

2. She gave a verbal warning to the employee for his behavior. (她口头警告了员工的行为。)

3. The teacher asked the students to provide a verbal summary of the story. (老师要求学生口头总结这个故事。)

4. The verbal abuse from the customer was unacceptable. (来自顾客的口头辱骂是不可接受的。)

5. He delivered a powerful verbal argument in the debate. (他在辩论中提出了有力的口头论点。)

6. The verbal instructions were not clear, leading to confusion. (口头指示不清晰,导致混乱。)

7. The verbal communication skills of the salesperson were impressive. (销售员的口头沟通能力令人印象深刻。)

8. The verbal contract was quickly agreed upon by both parties. (双方迅速达成了口头合同。)

9. The verbal expression of gratitude was heartfelt. (口头表达的感激是真挚的。)

10. The verbal altercation between the two colleagues disrupted the office. (两位同事之间的口头争吵打扰了办公室。)

11. The verbal confirmation from the manager reassured the team. (经理的口头确认让团队放心了。)

12. The verbal component of the presentation was well-received. (演讲的口头部分受到了好评。)

13. She received a verbal reprimand for being late to work. (她因为迟到上班受到了口头训斥。)

14. His verbal promise to help was not followed through. (他口头承诺的帮助并没有兑现。)

15. The verbal reasoning behind the decision was explained in detail. (决定背后的口头理由被详细解释了。)

上一个 【英语】verb的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】proverb的例句



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